
Aircraft Goes Down Near Bennett

On Thursday, June 8, at approximately 1:40 p.m., a Ballanca Super Viking aircraft went down in a field northeast of the Front Range Airport. The Bennett Fire Department responded and reported there were no fatalities, but the pilot and one passenger were taken away by ambulance and did not appear to have life-threatening injuries. 

The aircraft is based at the Front Range Airport. The cause of the incident is unknown at this time. The National Transportation Safety Board will be conducting an investigation to determine the cause of the accident.

Adams County Wins National Association of Counties Awards

Three Adams County initiatives have been recognized with an Achievement Award from the National Association of Counties (NACo). The awards honor innovative, effective county government programs that enhance services for residents. 

2017 Re-Precincting Public Comment

Due to changes in voter population, the Adams County Elections Office is proposing a split to six precincts. The Adams County Elections Office is accepting public comment on the proposed precinct splits until Friday, June 30. Visit for more information. If you would like provide feedback, please send an email to [email protected] or a letter to 4430 S Adams County Pkwy., Ste 3102, Brighton, CO 80601.

More Than $1 Million in Scholarships Awarded to County Students

Sixty-four Adams County high school students were awarded scholarships totaling more than $1 million on Wednesday, May 24, through the Adams County Scholarship Fund. Adams County Commissioners introduced the Scholarship Fund in 2016 in partnership with the Colorado Department of Higher Education's Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Initiative.

Upcoming Neighborhood Cleanup Events

The Adams County Transportation Department will host its annual series of neighborhood cleanup events in the coming weeks. Residents are encouraged to bring yard waste and other debris to the locations below.
“Our cleanup events provide an opportunity for residents to dispose of large loads of material,” said Eva Henry, Board of County Commissioners chair.