Community Development
Public Notice for 2016 Annual Action Plan (AAP) Substantial AmendmentIn accordance with Adams County’s Citizen Participation Plan and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), a public hearing will be held at 9:30 a.m. on January 3, 2017 at the Adams County Government Center, 4430 S. Adams County Parkway, Brighton, CO 80601 to provide the public an opportunity to comment on the 2016 AAP Substantial Amendment regarding programming prior year HOME funds. The substantial amendment will result in obligating 2015 and 2016 HOME funds. Citizens shall have 30 days from the date of this publication to respond to any of the proposed changes. ACCD will then consider any such comments and, if deemed appropriate, modify the changes when amending the 2016 AAP. The amended AAP will then be submitted to HUD for review and approval. Adams County proposes to program unexpended HOME funds to the following activities:
The 2016 AAP Substantial Amendment is available here and at ACCD’s office at the address above. Upon at least 48 hour notice, ACCD will provide for interpretation or translation services to meet the needs of non-English speaking residents. The county will also take appropriate actions to serve the needs of persons with disabilities. For more information, to make special arrangements, or to provide comments, contact Melissa Scheere, HOME Coordinator, 720.523.6210 or [email protected]. |
Mission, Responsibilities, and Goals
Our Mission
The mission of Adams County Community Development (ACCD) is to promote economic vitality through effective partnerships and management of funding that stabilizes the low and moderate income populations and communities, and maximizes economic opportunities throughout the county.
Division Responsibilities and Goals
Community Development is the planned evolution of all aspects of community well-being: economic, social, environmental and cultural. It is a process whereby community members come together to take collective action and generate solutions to common problems. The scope of community development can vary from small initiatives within a small group, to large initiatives that involve the whole community. Regardless of the scope of the activity, effective community development should be:
- A benefit to the community
- A long-term endeavor
- Grounded in experience that leads to best practices
- Holistic and integrated into the bigger picture
- Inclusive and equitable
- Initiated and supported by community members
- Well-planned
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.