2015-2019 Consolidated Plan and 2015 Annual Action Plan
About the HUD Consolidated Plan
2015-2019 Consolidated Plan and 2015 Annual Action Plan
The Consolidated Plan is a comprehensive planning process to identify housing, homeless, community and economic development needs and resources, followed by the development of a five-year plan outlining how those needs will be met. Through the plan, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires communities to establish priorities and to measure whether activities set in motion by the plan are actually addressing those priorities. Adams County works collaboratively with the entitlement cities of Westminster and Thornton as well as other partners engaged in housing and social services delivery to develop the Five-Year Consolidated Plan.
The Consolidated Plan identifies activities to address needs in our community. Each year, a One-Year Action Plan is developed to address how the County will work to achieve the goals of the Consolidated Plan with the current annual allocation of funds. The use of funds outlined in each One-Year Action Plan is approved by the Board of County Commissioners at Public Hearing.
Outcomes are continually monitored and reported annually in the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER). This report measures the outcomes of activities developed to meet goals established in the Consolidated Plan.
Related Links
City of Westminster - Community Development
Thornton CDBG and HOME programs