What is the process for applying for a grant through the Adams County Open Space Sales Tax grant program?

After submitting an application, you will be expected to submit a site video. Two meeting are scheduled for each cycle. At the first meeting applicants will present their request to the Open Space Advisory Board, (“OSAB”). At the second meeting the OSAB will make formal recommendations. Next, staff brings the OSAB’s recommendations before the Board of County Commissioner’s for final approval at Public Hearing. Following Public Hearing, you will be asked to execute a grant agreement (contract), which lays out the reimbursement procedures for the grant award. Each grantee is given two years from the public hearing to complete their project. Closeout documentation is submitted at the end of the project and will include invoices, proof of payment, and proof of any in-kind donations. For more detailed information, please contact Rae-Anne Reichow at 303.637.8102 or by email at rareichow@adcogov.org.