Requesting Auxiliary Aids and Services
Requesting Auxiliary Aids and Services
We have procedures to ensure effective communication with qualified individuals with disabilities. These procedures apply to all of the many different forms of communication that we use when communicating about services, programs, eligibility and enrollment, benefits, etc. Adams County will provide all necessary auxiliary aids and services without cost to the person being served unless it would fundamentally alter the nature of the program, service, or activity or the auxiliary aids and services cause undue burden. Some examples of auxiliary aids and services are:
- Qualified sign language interpreters
- Documents in Braille
- Note takers
- Qualified readers
- Taped text
- Large print materials
- Assistive listening devices
If you need an Auxiliary Aid or Service to achieve effective communication with Adams County, please contact the Adams County ADA/504 Coordinator or complete and submit the Auxiliary Aids and Services Request Form. We will attempt to process all requests within 2 business days, however please understand that certain types of auxiliary aids and services may require additional time for processing. For this reason, please contact us as soon as you become aware that you may need an auxiliary aid or service.