Rules of Engagement

The Rules of Engagement provide guidelines for and address specific functions for Adams County governing bodies and Adams County stakeholders. Mainly, they are the provisions for ethical conduct and guiding principles for purposeful and respectful communication. The three ideas of the guiding principles behind the Rules of Engagement are:

  • All Adams County governing bodies and stakeholders will be treated with respect, courtesy, honesty and integrity.
  • Colorado Open Meetings Laws will be strictly adhered to for the administration of day-to-day county business.
  • All direction and decision-making by the Adams County Board of County Commissioners shall occur collectively; no individual will exercise independent authority over any Adams County governing body, director, official, employee or resident.

The Rules of Engagement also specify how Adams County governing bodies will communicate with residents in a timely, professional, honest and collaborative way. It requires that Adams County provide a vision, purpose and overarching governing principles in an effective and timely way. Some methods of communication will be:

  • An Adams County needs assessment/information gathering survey was administered in early summer of 2011. Click here to view the survey summary.
  • Weekly public hearings will have better access for the public by having open study sessions with opportunity for citizen communication as part of the agenda.
  • Feasibility of live streaming study sessions.
  • posting of contract awards, bids, RFPs and other decisions of record on the county website.
  • Benchmarks reached and progress obtained towards the strategic reforms will be openly communicated via press releases, the Adams County website and other valuable forms of communication.