Public Works

Ensuring safe and reliable transportation and drainage systems for a thriving Adams County, the Public Works Department is here to protect the health, safety and welfare of our residents and the traveling public.  We are committed to delivering superior planning, engineering, construction, maintenance, operations, and administrative services related to our community’s transportation and drainage infrastructure.

Contact us at 720.523.6875 or


Explore some primary service tools & information offered by
the Public Works team below:


Cartoon of Road Issue SignCartoon of MapCartoon of Snow Truck

Report a Road Issue

Projects & Programs

Snow and Ice Removal

Cartoon of Traffic ConeCartoon of Storm DrainCartoon of Traffic Light

Roadway Maintenance

Stormwater Utility

Traffic Safety

E-Permit Center

Using the E-Permit Center, you can apply for, review, pay for, and print out permits at any time from any computer or mobile device. More information about how to submit right-of-way encroachment or access permits or other permitting requiring county input can be found on our E-Permit Center website. If you need assistance scheduling an appointment, please call 720.523.6800.


The Public Works Department acts as a first responder in emergency situations and/or disasters that impact our roads and bridges. Working closely with the police and fire departments, our team provides critical support to the public through inclement weather and emergency situations. The team closely partners with the Office of Emergency Management. Please report any emergencies to ADCOM, 303.288.1535, or call 911 and they will contact the Public Works team.

For questions and information about the Public Works Department, please contact:

Brian Staley

Or, contact:

Janet Lundquist
Deputy Director

CORA Requests:
CORA request forms and information can be found here.