Public Works Projects

Current Public Works Projects and Street Maintenance


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Explore our interactive map to access detailed information and the latest updates on current projects and programs managed by the Public Works team.

Capital Improvement Program (CIP)

Preventive Maintenance Program Projects

Berkeley Gardens Neighborhood ImprovementsAmericans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Five Areas Project
Broadway and 62nd Avenue Drainage Improvements2024 Street Paving Program
Dahlia Street Project, Phase I2024 Miscellaneous Concrete and ADA Ramps Program
Dahlia Street, Phase II - East 70th Avenue to SH 224Little Dry Creek Diversion Structure Cleaning
DRCOG Traffic Signal Cabinet Upgrade Project 
East 58th Avenue Washington to York Improvement Project 
East 62nd Avenue from Pecos Street to Washington Street 
East 73rd Avenue from Washington Street to York Street 
Explorador Calle Bridge Replacement Over Niver Creek 
Goat Hill Drainage and Roadway Improvements 
Goat Hill East Roadway Improvements Design 
Pecos Street Widening Project 
Steele Street Project 
West 70th Avenue from Pecos Street to Broadway 
York Street, Phase II from East 78th Avenue to East 88th Avenue 
York Street, Phase III from East 58th Avenue to SH 224 
Zuni Street and West 70th Avenue Project 

Corridor and Neighborhood Studies

Stormwater Utility Projects

120th Avenue Corridor Study2024 Stormwater Drainage Infrastructure Video Inspection and Maintenance
Comprehensive Safety Action Plan 
Enhancing Short Trips in Adams County