Highway works closely with Flood Control and Drainage Master Planning Section in the Engineering Section to report and assist in mitigation efforts.
The Operations Division performs minor, major and critical maintenance of the components that make up the drainage system. The system is comprised of two basic categories:
- Closed Systems – Inlets, Manholes, Pipes and Culverts
- Open Systems – Drainage-ways, Ditches, Ponds, and Curb/Gutter
The county receives waters and sediments they carry from both public and private runoff which will ultimately be delivered to state water ways.
The primary drainage maintenance for the Operations Division includes:
- Culvert Repairs/Replacement
- Erosion/Wash-out Repairs
- Ditching
To report a road issue, please click here.
Right-of-Way Maintenance
The Operations Division is responsible for Right-of-Way (ROW) maintenance that is typically within or adjacent to roadways, drainage ways, and county owned property. The primary ROW maintenance for the Operations Division includes:
- Street Sweeping
- Mowing
- Guardrail Repair
- Litter Control
- Road Shouldering
- Alleyways
- Minor Bridge Maintenance
- Dust Control
- Minor Asphalt patching and Paving
- Gravel Road grading
ROW maintenance requires an organized approach based on funding, available resources, divisional capability, and return on investment.
Street Sweeping
The Adams County Board of County Commissioners has authorized an enhanced street sweeping program for paved roads with curb and gutter installations. In addition to the aesthetic benefits of this initiative, it will also reduce debris and silt build up in the county’s stormwater drainage infrastructure.
Adams County roads included in the street sweeping program are shown on the maps below. The program targets sweeping Priority 1 roads four times a year, Priority 2 roads twice a year, and Priority 3 roads one time per year. The exact schedule is weather dependent. If you have questions about the program, contact the Public Works Operations Division at 720.523.6875.
For roadway emergencies, please call ADCOM at 303.288.1535 or dial 911. To report an issue outside of regular working hours for all unincorporated Adams County areas, please call 720.523.6875 and leave a message.