ADA Transition Plan
About the Project
In accordance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and 28 CFR 35.105, local agencies are required to develop and maintain an ADA Transition Plan. The Adams County Board of County Commissioners has approved the ADA Transition Plan to improve access compliance to pedestrian facilities within the county’s jurisdiction.
ADA Transition Plan
Please click here to view the ADA Transition Plan for Public Right-of-Way in Unincorporated Adams County. Transition plan information can be made available in alternative accessible formats upon request. For information about obtaining an alternative format, please use the contacts listed below.
What’s Happening
As part of the Adams County ADA Transition Plan, the county intends to regularly obtain public input to assist the county in developing its potential standalone ADA projects within the public right-of-way. The county generally obtains public input from YourGOV, public meetings, and town hall sessions as well as public contact with the ADA Coordinator.
Contact Us at 720.523.6875 or publicworks@adcogov.org