2024 Property Tax Relief
Due to the passing of SB24-233, all improved commercial properties will be reduced by $30,000 and the assessment rate is 27.9%.
In addition, the market values of all improved residential properties will be reduced by $55,000 and the assessment rate remains at 6.7% for 2024.
Click here for further explanation of the State Senate Bill SB24-233
If you have questions regarding this bill or any other questions relating to the Assessor’s Office, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 720-523-6038.
Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program
You may receive help with past-due housing payments, property taxes, insurance or housing utilities.
Click the link to find more details in English or in Español.
Assessor’s Office Information
Residential Comparable Sales Search Interactive Map
Real Property Notice of Valuation – click here
Letter of Authorization Requirement
The owner is the only person recognized by law to have "standing" to file an appeal. Appeals filed by individuals other than the owner or authorized agent may be denied for lack of standing. A notarized letter of agency (written letter of authorization) is required from persons or agencies, including attorneys who are not the owner of record but are filing an appeal on behalf of the property owner.
If the Notarized Letter of Authorization isn't filed with the initial appeal, then the appeal will not be accepted at the Assessor Level, and you will have to wait until the following year to file an abatement.
Click here to view value changes between 2022 and 2023 by Colorado counties

Main Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
(Excluding holidays)