Arapahoe County Commissioners approve new position to support local veterans
One-year pilot program jointly funded with Adams County and City of Aurora
The Arapahoe County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved an agreement that will create a new Veterans Service Officer position to increase service to local veterans within the City of Aurora. Adams and Arapahoe counties will jointly fund the position, with the City of Aurora providing in-kind materials.
Ian Cortez Named Adams County Employee of All Seasons
The Adams County Board of Commissioners announced Ian Cortez as the 2019 Adams County Employee of All Seasons winner.
Expanded Free COVID-19 Rapid Testing Offered for Uninsured
As part of its COVID-19 emergency response and recovery strategy, Adams County has expanded its free COVID-19 testing program to include new locations and rapid testing exclusively for Adams and Jefferson County residents who do not have health insurance or are experiencing homelessness. Family members are also invited to be tested.
Commissioner Eva J. Henry Appointed to Regional Air Quality Council
Adams County Commissioner Eva J. Henry was recently appointed by Governor Jared Polis to the Regional Air Quality Council (RAQC), where she will serve through April 2023.
As part of the RAQC, Henry will act as a local government representative in the Denver metropolitan area, working with various stakeholders across the region to help provide solutions in support of cleaner air.
Adams County Commissioners Award $4.9 Million in Open Space Grants
Funds were awarded for 19 projects across the county
On July 14, 2020, the Adams County Board of Commissioners (BOCC) awarded more than $4.9 million in open space grants for 19 projects thanks to the voter-approved Open Space Sales Tax. Funding for the Fall 2020 grant cycle came from revenues from the second half of the 2019 Adams County Open Space Sales Tax, which was passed by Adams County voters in 1999.
Partial Payments/Prepayments of Property Taxes to be accepted by Adams County Treasurer
Effective Wednesday, Aug. 5, because of a change in the law this year, the Adams County Treasurer may accept an estimated prepayment of property taxes due for the current tax year before the due dates in 2021. The treasurer has broad authority to establish the conditions and terms under which estimated prepayments will be accepted.
Board of Commissioners Support Gov. Polis Statewide Mask Order
On behalf of the Adams County Board of Commissioners, I want to extend our support to Governor Polis for the statewide mandatory mask order. Incidents have increased 109% in Adams County over the past month, as well as across the state. It’s important to support this initiative to keep ourselves and our neighbors healthy and our businesses open. This is a necessary step to halt the spread of this virus that has already disrupted so much of our lives.
Adams County Reopens Mini-Grant Applications to Benefit Small Businesses
As part of its COVID-19 emergency response and recovery strategy, Adams County is again accepting applications for its mini-grant program to support small businesses impacted by the COVID-19 situation. Businesses can apply for mini-grants at starting today at noon.
Tri-County Health Department Issues Public Health Order Requiring Face Coverings
July 10, 2020 - Today, Tri-County Health Department (TCHD) issued the Public Health Order Requiring Facial Coverings in Public Where Social Distancing Cannot be Maintained that was approved by its Board of Health on July 8.
Adams County Will Soon Be Under Mandatory Face Covering Order
Tri-County Health Department (TCHD) recently put in place a mandatory face covering order at an online board meeting, citing concerns over the steady increase of coronavirus cases over the past few weeks in the tri-county area, and the effectiveness of face coverings to help prevent the spread. The order will be put in place soon for Adams County for 90 days, with the option to amend, rescind, or extend.