
  • County Buildings Closed Through April 30

    Adams County offices are closed through April 30. Human Services, Animal Shelter, and Colorado Air and Space Port will provide essential services. Sheriff, District Attorney, Coroner, and Justice Center will remain open until further notice. 

  • Adams County Introduces COVID-19 Response and Recovery Website

    As part of a COVID-19 emergency management response and recovery strategy, Adams County launched a new website dedicated to providing key resources to support residents and businesses: This strategy includes newly created Response and Recovery teams addressing business support, childcare for critical personnel, food security and basic essentials, housing stability, senior services, support for the unemployed and future workforce, and uninsured and healthcare access.

  • County Suspends Interior Inspections of Occupied Homes

    Due to COVID-19, Adams County has temporarily suspended interior inspections of occupied homes. This is necessary for the safety of county staff as well as those within these occupied spaces. We understand this will cause complications with moving projects forward; however, this is the best decision to help combat the spread of this virus and protect the community.

  • Playgrounds Closed at Adams County Parks

    To ensure the safety of our community and staff, playgrounds at Adams County parks, including City View Park, Rotella Park, Twin Lakes Park, and Riverdale Regional Park, will be closed as of today, March 24. Residents may still enjoy walking paths, trails, and open spaces in Adams County, and we recommend continuing to practice social distancing of at least six feet from others while you recreate. Thanks for your cooperation and understanding during this time.

  • County Buildings Closed to the Public Through April 19

    Adams County is monitoring the ever-changing COVID-19 (coronavirus) landscape very closely and is in daily contact with health officials and various local and state agencies for updates and best practices. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment recommends closing places of business for 30 days to help slow down the spread of the virus. Following these recommended guidelines, Adams County Government offices are closed to the public through Sunday, April 19, as employees work from home.

  • Suncor Refinery Experiences Equipment Malfunction

    *Spanish version follows below  //  La versión en español se ofrece más abajo

    Suncor has released this statement:

    At about 5:40 p.m. today, Tuesday, March 17, the Suncor Commerce City refinery experienced an equipment malfunction resulting in a release of catalyst from the Plant 2 Fluidized Catalytic Cracker, or FCC unit. FCC catalyst is a clay-like material. As a precautionary measure, we sounded a vapor release alarm and immediately initiated our response plan. The unit has been put in safe mode.

  • County Buildings Closing Immediately through March 22

    Due to three confirmed public cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Adams County, and a county employee under quarantine order from a medical professional, county leadership made the decision to close all Adams County buildings until Monday, March 23. This measure will allow for cleaning and disinfection of county buildings. We are taking this step out of an abundance of caution.

    The Sheriff, District Attorney, Coroner, Justice Center, and Sex Assault Task Force Office will remain open until further notice.