County Buildings Closed to the Public Through April 19

Adams County is monitoring the ever-changing COVID-19 (coronavirus) landscape very closely and is in daily contact with health officials and various local and state agencies for updates and best practices. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment recommends closing places of business for 30 days to help slow down the spread of the virus. Following these recommended guidelines, Adams County Government offices are closed to the public through Sunday, April 19, as employees work from home.
The Human Services Department, Animal Shelter, and Colorado Air and Space Port will still provide essential services. Sheriff, District Attorney, Coroner, and Justice Center will remain open until further notice. Moving forward, more core services will become available once the county finalizes a modified service delivery approach during this closure. Further information is available at adcogov.org/coronavirus.
While county buildings are closed to the public, essential operations will continue, as they have this week with most departments working from home and in the field. The county leadership team is working with department directors to bring as many services back online as soon as possible so we can continue to provide essential services to our residents.
County residents are encouraged to use the website at adcogov.org to take advantage of online services during this closure. Please check the "Save A Trip" menu at the top of the site to see the online services available.
The health and safety of our residents and employees is the county’s primary concern. Residents and employees are encouraged to practice social distancing during this time and contact health providers if symptoms occur.