
  • Shutdown Affects Food Benefits for 220,000 Colorado Fmilies

    DENVER (Jan. 11, 2019 ) – In response to the partial federal government shutdown, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has asked states to issue February’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits early -- by Jan. 20 -- which has the potential to affect 220,000 Colorado families.

  • Some December Renewal Fees Miscalculated by the Department of Revenue

    Adams County recently learned that the Colorado Department of Revenue made an error in calculating renewal fees for drivers whose license plates were due to be renewed in December 2018 and whose vehicles are a model year of 2010, 2015, 2016, 2017, or 2018. 

    Our partners at the state level are working on a solution to this issue, and we will continue to release that information once it’s available.

    At this time, drivers affected do not need to take any action; they will be contacted once the solution is in place.

  • Elected Officials and Judges Sworn in at Inauguration

    Adams County marked the commencement of new terms for seven elected officials and 10 judges in an Inauguration Ceremony on Tuesday, Jan. 8, at Riverdale Regional Park. Residents, employees, and family and friends filled the Waymire Dome to watch the proceedings.

    “We’re excited to work with these newly elected officials on the innovative solutions they’ll bring to their respective offices,” said Adams County Manager Raymond H. Gonzales. “Their creative ideas, high standards, and collaboration are what our residents expect and what the challenges we face demand.”

  • Suncor to Conduct Fire Extinguisher Training

    NOTICE: Suncor will conduct Fire Extinguisher Training on Friday, Jan. 11, at the Suncor Fire Training Center from 1 - 3 p.m. The training will be performed at the Plant 1 Fire Training Grounds. During the training sessions there will likely be flames and smoke produced.  In the event of an actual emergency, all training will cease and proper alarms will be sounded. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jeffrey Osetek, Suncor Security and Emergency Response Coordinator, at [email protected].

  • ADA Public Outreach Meeting on Jan. 18

    Adams County’s Public Works Department is holding an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) public outreach progress meeting on Friday, Jan. 18, 3-4 p.m., at the Adams County Human Services Center, 11860 N. Pecos St., Westminster. The county will provide progress updates on the ADA Transition Plan Program as well as highlight several projects in the county.

  • Adams County Historical Books Restored

    Adams County, Colorado – The first phase of restoration for the Adams County Recording Department’s Grantor Grantee books is complete. These tomes date back to 1902, and the first phase included 83 books.

    Preservation of the books included rebinding, cleaning, removing tape from pages, mending pages, treating them to avoid fading, and putting them in acid-free page protectors.

  • Governor Declares Disaster Emergency Due to Propane Supply Shortage in Colorado

    Governor John W. Hickenlooper declared a disaster emergency in Colorado due to a propane supply shortage, potentially impacting 33,000 propane customers in predominately rural regions. These customers may not be able to receive enough propane to heat their homes in the near future. Hickenlooper issued a verbal executive order just after 11 a.m. on Monday, Dec. 24, due to propane production issues, anticipated severe weather conditions, and an ongoing propane supply shortage.

  • Motor Vehicle Office Hours Changing in 2019

     All county Motor Vehicle offices will change business hours at the beginning of 2019. As of Jan. 2, 2019, the new hours will be 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for the general public and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. for companies and dealers. After 4 p.m., one transaction will be permitted per company/dealer.

    These new hours will bring consistency with general Adams County office hours and throughout the Clerk and Recorder’s offices—which includes Elections, Motor Vehicle, and Recording.

  • Debbie Haines Promoted to Executive Director of Retirement

    The Adams County Board of Retirement has promoted Debbie Haines to the position of Executive Director. Haines has 26 years of experience with more than 16 years with the Adams County Retirement Plan. She has CEBS, RPA, and GPA designations.

    “I look forward to continuing the relationship with all Adams County and Rangeview Library District employees, retirees, and beneficiaries,” Haines said.

    Haines started with Adams County in May 2002 and has served as Retirement Plan Technician, Benefits Specialist, Benefits Manager, and Senior Benefits Manager.

  • Lisa Culpepper Sworn in as New Treasurer

    Lisa Culpepper was sworn in as the new Adams County Treasurer Friday, Dec. 14. Culpepper will officially take office Jan. 1, 2019, but was sworn in early due to prearranged travel.

    “I’m very much looking forward to helping Adams County, the third fastest growing county in the nation, and the fastest growing county in Colorado, become everything that it’s residents wish and need for it to be,” said Culpepper.