About Us
What is Emergency Management?
The Adams County Office of Emergency Management (OEM) plans, coordinates and supports activities that help our community reduce its vulnerability to disaster. This is accomplished through the following:
Mitigation - The effort to reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters. This is achieved through risk analysis, which results in information that provides a foundation for mitigation activities that reduce risk, and flood insurance that protects financial investment. Our mitigation goals can be found in the county Comprehensive Plan and incorporated Mitigation Plan.
Preparedness - A continuous cycle of planning, organizing, training, equipping, exercising, evaluating, and taking corrective action in an effort to ensure effective coordination during incident response
Response -The immediate reaction and mobilization of resources to a disaster.
Recovery - Includes activities that help to restore a community, critical infrastructure, and bring a community to the post disaster “new normal”.
Working Together
The Adams County OEM coordinates with numerous partners before, during, and after disasters. By developing working relationships with other county agencies, municipal governments, state government, nonprofit and volunteer organizations, business associations, private sector entities and citizens on a daily basis, we are able to strengthen our lines of communication, which provide for a quicker response and foster a more resilient community.
Get Involved
If you are interested in receiving more information or in speaking with us, please call us at 720.523.6602.
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