Rain Barrel Program Workshop

Rain Barrel Program Workshop

Sustainable Adams County has partnered with CSU Extension to educate Adams County residents on rainwater collection systems. This is an opportunity for residents to learn the facts, become familiar with the environmental benefits of rain harvesting, and leave armed with the tools and knowledge to become a successful contributor to conservation in Adams County. 

Opioid Epidemic in Colorado - Policies, Programs, & Progress

BRIGHTON, Colorado, - As part of the Obama Administration’s effort to address the opioid epidemic in this country, USDA Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsak has been tasked with leading an interagency effort focused on heroin and prescription drug abuse in rural areas. The department has been convening a series of regional roundtables across the country to raise awareness around this issue and to solicit input from community leaders and medical professionals about the special challenges facing rural communities and what is needed for rural areas t