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Innovation at the Adams County Fleet Department

From the latest technologies, to a staff with a 100% ASE certification, to recruiting young people into the field, the Adams County Fleet Department innovates, inspires, and educates its staff.

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Adams County Scholarship Fund 2019

More than $1 million in scholarships were awarded to 60 Adams County students at the Adams County Scholarship Fund ceremony last Thursday. Adams County Commissioners introduced the Scholarship Fund in 2016 in partnership with the Colorado Department of Higher Education's Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Initiative. The Board of Commissioners identified Adams County Education Consortium (ACEC) as the fiscal agent for the Adams County Scholarship Fund.

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Farm Day at Bromley-Hishinuma Farm

Brighton Future Farmers of America hosted Farm Day at the Bromley-Hishinuma Farm on Friday, sponsored by the Colorado Farm bureau, Adams County Chapter. Check out all the agricultural activities these students we’re able to learn about.