LEPC Membership
General Membership
General membership on the Adams County LEPC is open to any interested person who attends the meetings and registers for membership on the LEPC roster. General membership may include, among others, persons representing first response agencies (law enforcement, fire, and emergency medical services), emergency management, facility operators, public health, the environment, media, regulated and unregulated businesses and facilities, elected officials (both state and local), schools, hospitals, interested community groups, and citizens, business, and persons with an interest in all-hazards planning in Adams County.
Executive Board
The Adams County LEPC will be administered by an Executive Board consisting of no fewer than 13 members. Seven of the 13 members shall be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners for a two-year term and shall consist of representatives from the following agencies: Adams County Emergency Management, Adams County Health Department, Adams County Planning Department, Adams County Building Safety Division, local fire departments or districts, Adams/Jeffco/Broomfield Hazmat Authority, and the Adams County Sheriff's Office. These members shall be nominated on odd years only.
The other six members shall be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners for a two-year term and shall consist of two members from each of the following: private-affected industry, public-interest/community group, and local area hospitals. These members shall be nominated on even years only.
See Citizen Advisory Boards and Commissions for more information and to apply for the Executive Board.