Commissioner Emma Pinter, District 3

Personal History

Commissioner Emma Pinter is a qualified leader who has dedicated her life to public service whether as an attorney working in legal aid clinics or serving on local boards and commissions. She is the daughter of an immigrant and granddaughter of union steelworkers whose leadership reflects working family roots. Commissioner Pinter has always loved the Colorado way of life. During college she would drive out to Colorado to work as a mountaineering guide. After finishing law school, she and her husband made Colorado their home, started a family and founded a business in Westminster. 

Elected to Westminster City Council in 2013, Commissioner Pinter served on the boards of the Youth Initiative of Adams County, Adams County Economic Development and the Mile High Connects Advisory Board. She was selected as the “Woman of Metro North” in 2018 by the Metro North Chamber, and also the Colorado Women’s Chamber.

Commissioner Pinter currently serves on the following boards/committees: Adams County Regional Economic Partnership, Airport Coordinating Committee, Rocky Mountain Partnership/Policy and Legislative Advisory Network, Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee, North Metro Denver Small Business Development Center Advisory Board, Aerotropolis Regional Transit Authority, World Trade Center Board of Directors, Colorado Counties, Inc., County & Commissioners Acting Together, Child Welfare Allocation Committee, Metro Area County Commissioners, and National Association of Counties. Pinter also serves as a liaison to the Adams County Health Department Board.

Commissioner Pinter believes we need more opportunities for everyone who lives in Adams County to have a chance to succeed and earn a good life.

Emma Pinter
Fx: 720.523.6045