Adams County Scholarship Fund
The Adams County Scholarship Fund (ACSF) was established in 2016 to address the needs of low-income students facing multiple barriers to completing post-secondary education. Each school district and school district foundation have a unique scholarship program that will help increase post-secondary credential completion and assist students to earn a livable wage. The scholarship programs are customized to the needs of each school district. This allows each school district to help reduce the attainment gap amongst minority students and/or students in need. Each School District and School District Foundation will be responsible for awarding Adams County eligible graduates up to one million dollars in scholarships.
ACSF is administered through the Adams County Education Consortium through Adams 14 Education Foundation, 27J Education Foundation, Mapleton Education Foundation, Westminster Public Schools Foundation, Strasburg School District 31J, Bennett School District 29J, and Adams 12 Five Star Schools.
Where does the money come from?
We are fortunate to have strong financial support from the Adams County Board of County Commissioners. It is our goal to increase the ACEC to make college possible for every student in Adams County. The funding for this program will be sustained by utilizing the three percent countywide sales tax on retail marijuana and retail marijuana products.
Each dollar that Adams County dedicates to these scholars is matched 1:1 by the Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Initiative- Matching Scholarship Grants. Each number was matched by COSI, meaning that the total amount received by Adams County Students since the program’s inception is over $7.5 million.

Student Success Stories
Each year, about 60 students are awarded a scholarship through this program. Since its inception, more than 400 students have been able to attend post-secondary education with the help of this invaluable program.
Click on the year links below to read student success stories.
2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022
Where to Apply
- 27J Education Foundation / Homepage (sd27j.org)
- Home : Mapleton Education Foundation (mapletonedfoundation.org)
- Home : Westminster Public Schools Foundation (fundwps.org)
- Home : Adams 14 Education Foundation (adams14foundation.org)
- Please reach out to Strasburg school counselors
- Please reach out to Bennett school counselors
- Financial Aid - Adams 12 Five Star Schools. Click on "scholarships." Aim for the Stars scholarship opens in February each year. See counselor for more information.