Commissioner Responsibilities
The Role of the County Commissioners
The role of the Adams County Board of Commissioners is to manage the affairs of the county as authorized by the state. Powers granted to the board by the state are broad, which allow the board independence in judgment. Some examples of the board's powers are to:
- Acquire land for the construction, maintenance and repair of airports and fix and collect fees for their use
- Adopt ordinances as provided in the Colorado Revised Statutes
- Appoint staff and determine operating budget
- Build and maintain county buildings
- Construct or repair public roads, bridges and drainage facilities
- Contract with the Colorado Department of Corrections for placement of inmates in county jail
- Establish policies and procedures for the administration of county government
- Grant licenses as prescribed by law
- Levy taxes as provided by law; certify mill levies annually
- Organize or contract for ambulance service
- Organize the boundaries of precincts and establish voting places in each precinct
- Oversee county income and expenses; adopt annual budget
- Provide programs for aged and low-income residents
Additional Responsibilities
In addition to these statutory general governance responsibilities, the Adams County Board of Commissioners guides the operations of the county manager and the 12 departments and offices in the manager's span of control. The board also holds public hearings at which official county business is conducted; considers applications for funding from community agencies, county departments and elected officials; represents the people of Adams County on other boards and governing bodies; and establishes personnel policies.
Additional Information
These are just some examples of county activities that require decision making by the board. For more information about statutory responsibilities, check the Colorado Revised Statutes, Title 29 and Title 30, which cover laws concerning local and county governments.