HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program
The HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program supports activities that increase and maintain the supply of permanent, affordable housing for low- to moderate-income residents. Funds are used for a variety of activities such as new housing construction, acquisition, housing rehabilitation, and down payment assistance. The HOME Program provides funding for affordable housing projects in partnership with government, nonprofit, and private organizations.
Any project or program funded with HOME funds must meet specific eligibility criteria set by HUD (24 CFR part 92), address local priorities and objectives as outlined in the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan, and meet a national objective of the program. The national objectives of the HOME program are to:
- Increase the supply of decent, affordable housing to low- and very low-income households;
- Expand the capacity of nonprofit housing providers;
- Strengthen the ability of state and local governments to provide housing; and
- Leverage private sector participation.
Applicants seeking HOME funding must be qualified Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDO’s), Public Housing Agencies, For Profit Developers and/or Nonprofit Organization (501(c) 3 or 4).
As the Participating Jurisdiction (PJ), Adams County is the leader of a “HOME Consortia.” Adams County is responsible for allocating HOME funds to the cities of Commerce City, Thornton, and Westminster, who are all Consortia members.
A certain percentage of the annual HOME allocation are set aside for certified CHDOs. In order to qualify for designation as a CHDO, the organization must apply to Adams County Community Development and must meet certain requirements pertaining to their legal status, organizational structure, capacity, and experience. To become certified as a CHDO, please contact the Housing Policy & Community Investments division ([email protected]) for an application and more information.
Please click here to learn more about eligibility for Adams County’s HOME funds, as well as HUD’s HOME requirements.