HPCI News and Updates

Adams County Housing Policy & Community Investments 

News & Updates

OCTOBER 1, 2025 – SEPTEMBER 30, 2026

Starting January 6, 2025, Adams County Housing Policy & Community Investments Division (HPCI) will be accepting applications from organizations for projects within the County that will benefit low- and moderate-income residents and neighborhoods through funding from the following grant:

HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program

The 2025 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds will be used for County and Urban County projects (cities of Northglenn, Brighton, Federal Heights, and Town of Bennett); therefore, there will be no Notice of Funding Availability issued to outside agencies.

The HOME Program is funded through the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD).  Any and all final awards are contingent on compliance with 24 CFR Part 92, 24 CFR Part 58 Environmental Review, Section 3, Uniform Relocation Act, approval of the Adams County Board of County Commissioners, and receipt of funds from HUD.

HOME funds support permanent, decent, affordable housing for low- and moderate-income households, expand affordable housing options, strengthen the ability of state and local governments to provide housing, and leverage private-sector participation.

Applications are due by 5:00 PM on Friday, February 14, 2025.  Prior to the due date, applicants may schedule a meeting with HPCI to discuss their proposals by contacting (720) 523-6200 or [email protected].  The application must be submitted online through the County’s Neighborly platform at https://portal.neighborlysoftware.com/ADAMSCOUNTYCO/participant.

For more information, please contact Ric Reed at (720) 523-6203 or [email protected].

ACCESSIBILITY: Adams County does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission to, access to, or operations of programs, services, or activities, including the public participation process.  Adams County makes reasonable accommodations for disabilities that interfere with full access to any program, service, or activity, including the public participation process.  You may contact the Housing Policy & Community Investments Division at (720) 523-6200 (or 711 for the state relay service) or write to 4430 S. Adams County Parkway, Brighton, CO 80601 to make a reasonable accommodation request.  Para interpretar la información en español, llame al (720) 523-6200.



A partir del 6 de enero de 2025, la División de Políticas de Vivienda e Inversiones Comunitarias (HPCI) del Condado de Adams aceptará solicitudes de organizaciones para proyectos dentro del Condado que beneficiarán a los residentes y vecindarios de ingresos bajos y moderados a través del financiamiento de la siguiente subvención:

Programa de Asociaciones de Inversión HOME (HOME)

Los fondos de la Subvención en Bloque para el Desarrollo Comunitario (CDBG) de 2025 se utilizarán para proyectos del Condado y del Condado Urbano (ciudades de Northglenn, Brighton, Federal Heights y Town of Bennett); por lo tanto, no se emitirá ningún Aviso de Disponibilidad de Financiamiento a agencias externas.

El Programa HOME está financiado por el Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de los EE. UU. (HUD). Todos y cada uno de los premios finales están sujetos al cumplimiento de la Parte 92 del Título 24 del Código de Regulaciones Federales (CFR), la Parte 58 de la Revisión Ambiental, Sección 3 de la Ley Uniforme de Reubicación (Uniform Relocation Act), la aprobación de la Junta de Comisionados del Condado de Adams y la recepción de fondos del HUD.

Los fondos de HOME apoyan la vivienda permanente, digna y asequible para hogares de ingresos bajos y moderados, amplían las opciones de vivienda asequible, fortalecen la capacidad de los gobiernos estatales y locales para proporcionar vivienda y aprovechan la participación del sector privado.

Las solicitudes deben presentarse antes de las 5:00 p. m. del viernes 14 de febrero de 2025. Antes de la fecha límite, los solicitantes pueden programar una reunión con HPCI para analizar sus propuestas comunicándose al (720) 523-6200 o [email protected]. La solicitud debe enviarse en línea a través de la plataforma Neighborly del condado en https://portal.neighborlysoftware.com/ADAMSCOUNTYCO/participant.

Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Ric Reed al (720) 523-6203 o [email protected].

ACCESIBILIDAD: El condado de Adams no discrimina por motivos de discapacidad en la admisión, el acceso o las operaciones de programas, servicios o actividades, incluido el proceso de participación pública. El condado de Adams realiza adaptaciones razonables para las discapacidades que interfieren con el acceso total a cualquier programa, servicio o actividad, incluido el proceso de participación pública. Puede comunicarse con la División de Políticas de Vivienda e Inversiones Comunitarias al (720) 523-6200 (o al 711 para el servicio de retransmisión estatal) o escribir a 4430 S. Adams County Parkway, Brighton, CO 80601 para realizar una solicitud de adaptación razonable. Para traducir la información en español, llame al (720) 523-6200.


NOTICE is given that a draft of the Program Year (PY) 2023 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) for Adams County has been drafted and will be available for the public to review.

The CAPER reports on accomplishments and expenditures for the County’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) as required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).  Funded activities such as affordable housing programs, public services, and infrastructure improvements were intended to benefit low- to moderate-income persons.  PY 2023 ran from October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024.

PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: The draft PY 2023 CAPER will be available to review for 18-days starting from January 2, 2025 and ending with the public hearing at 9:30AM on January 21, 2025.  The draft CAPER can be viewed at the Community & Economic Development Department offices at 4430 S. Adams County Parkway, Brighton, CO 80601, and can also be viewed and downloaded from the County’s website by clicking here.  Public comments regarding the draft PY 2023 CAPER can be submitted by mail, delivered to the address above, or sent via email to [email protected].

PUBLIC HEARING:  A public hearing will be held to review and discuss the draft PY 2023 CAPER.  The public hearing will be held on January 21, 2025 at 9:30AM.  The public hearing will be held in the First Floor Public Hearing Room at the Adams County Government Center located at 4430 S. Adams County Parkway, Brighton, CO 80601.  Residents and stakeholders are encouraged to attend and participate.

For further information, please contact the Housing Policy & Community Investments Division at (720) 523-6200.

ACCESSIBILITY: Adams County does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission to, access to, or operations of programs, services, or activities, including the public participation process.  Adams County makes reasonable accommodations for disabilities that interfere with full access to any program, service, or activity, including the public participation process.  You may contact the Housing Policy & Community Investments Division at (720) 523-6200 (or 711 for the state relay service) or write to 4430 S. Adams County Parkway, Brighton, CO 80601 to make a reasonable accommodation request.  Para interpretar la información en español, llame al (720) 523-6200.



SE NOTIFICA que se ha redactado un borrador del Informe Anual de Desempeño y Evaluación (CAPER) Consolidado del Programa del Año 2023 para el Condado de Adams y estará disponible para que el público lo revise.

El CAPER informa sobre los logros y gastos del programa de Subvención en Bloque para el Desarrollo Comunitario (CDBG) del Condado y el Programa de Asociaciones de Inversión HOME (HOME) según lo exige el Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de los EE. UU. (HUD). Las actividades financiadas, como programas de vivienda asequible, servicios públicos y mejoras de infraestructura, tenían como objetivo beneficiar a personas de ingresos bajos a moderados. El año fiscal 2023 se desarrolló del 1 de octubre de 2023 al 30 de septiembre de 2024.

PERÍODO DE COMENTARIOS PÚBLICOS: El borrador del CAPER para el año fiscal 2023 estará disponible para su revisión durante 18 días a partir del 2 de enero de 2025 y finalizará con la audiencia pública a las 9:30 a. m. del 21 de enero de 2025. El borrador del CAPER se puede ver en las oficinas del Departamento de Desarrollo Económico y Comunitario en 4430 S. Adams County Parkway, Brighton, CO 80601, y también se puede ver y descargar del sitio web del condado en https://adcogov.org/reports-policy. Los comentarios públicos sobre el borrador del CAPER para el año fiscal 2023 se pueden enviar por correo postal, entregarlos en la dirección indicada anteriormente o enviarlos por correo electrónico a [email protected].

AUDIENCIA PÚBLICA: Se llevará a cabo una audiencia pública para revisar y discutir el borrador del CAPER para el año fiscal 2023. La audiencia pública se llevará a cabo el 21 de enero de 2025 a las 9:30 a. m. La audiencia pública se llevará a cabo en la sala de audiencias públicas del primer piso del Centro de Gobierno del Condado de Adams, ubicado en 4430 S. Adams County Parkway, Brighton, CO 80601. Se anima a los residentes y las partes interesadas a asistir y participar.

Para obtener más información, comuníquese con la División de Políticas de Vivienda e Inversiones Comunitarias al (720) 523-6200.

ACCESIBILIDAD: El Condado de Adams no discrimina por motivos de discapacidad en la admisión, el acceso o las operaciones de programas, servicios o actividades, incluido el proceso de participación pública. El Condado de Adams realiza adaptaciones razonables para las discapacidades que interfieren con el acceso total a cualquier programa, servicio o actividad, incluido el proceso de participación pública. Puede comunicarse con la División de Políticas de Vivienda e Inversiones Comunitarias al (720) 523-6200 (o al 711 para el servicio de retransmisión estatal) o escribir a 4430 S. Adams County Parkway, Brighton, CO 80601 para realizar una solicitud de adaptación razonable. Para traducir la información en español, llame al (720) 523-6200.


September 23, 2024
Adams County
4430 S. Adams County Pkwy.
Brighton, CO 80601
(720) 523-6200

On or about October 1, Adams County will submit a request to the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) for the release of Economic Development Initiative-Community Project Funding (EDI-CPF) Grant funds under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (Public Law 117-328), as amended, to undertake a project known as the Adams County Veterans Memorial Amphitheater for the purpose of creating additional recreational opportunities and enhanced outdoor value for patrons of the Adams County Fairground including construction of the Veterans Memorial Amphitheater and its associated support facilities (lawns, paths, parking), including a stage, seating area, restroom facility, additional parking lot, paved entry/drop off loop, and concrete and crushed fines gravel pedestrian pathways. The project also proposes a stormwater detention pond and turf grass lawns. The proposed project budget is estimated at approximately $5 million, with $750,000 in EDI-CPF funding.

The activities proposed are categorically excluded under HUD regulations at 24 CFR Part 58 from National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements. An Environmental Review Record (ERR) that documents the environmental determinations for this project is on file at the Adams County Government Center, 4430 S. Adams County Parkway, Brighton, CO 80601 and may be examined or copied weekdays 8 A.M to 4:30 P.M.


Any individual, group, or agency may submit written comments on the ERR to the Adams County Housing Policy & Community Investments Division.  All comments received by September 30, 2024, will be considered by Adams County prior to authorizing submission of a request for release of funds.


Adams County certifies to HUD that Emma Pinter in her capacity as Chair of the Board of County Commissioners consents to accept the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts if an action is brought to enforce responsibilities in relation to the environmental review process and that these responsibilities have been satisfied.  HUD’s approval of the certification satisfies its responsibilities under NEPA and related laws and authorities and allows Adams County to use Program funds.


HUD will accept objections to its release of fund and Adams County’s certification for a period of fifteen days following the anticipated submission date or its actual receipt of the request (whichever is later) only if they are on one of the following bases: (a) the certification was not executed by the Certifying Officer of Adams County; (b) Adams County has omitted a step or failed to make a decision or finding required by HUD regulations at 24 CFR part 58; (c) the grant recipient or other participants in the development process have committed funds, incurred costs or undertaken activities not authorized by 24 CFR Part 58 before approval of a release of funds by HUD; or (d) another Federal agency acting pursuant to 40 CFR Part 1504 has submitted a written finding that the project is unsatisfactory from the standpoint of environmental quality.  Objections must be prepared and submitted via email in accordance with the required procedures (24 CFR Part 58, Sec. 58.76) and shall be addressed to Noemi Ghirghi, CPD Region VIII Director, at [email protected].  Potential objectors should contact [email protected] to verify the actual last day of the objection period.

Emma Pinter, Chair of the Board of County Commissioners