Clear Creek Vision and Clear Creek TOD

Clear Creek Transit Village Vision Plan

Adopted 2009
Federal Boulevard and Pecos Transit Stations

Planning Goals:

  • A summary of best practice in Transit Oriented Development including a discussion of benefits
  • Best practice in TOD applied to the Clear Creek Transit Village within the overall Clear Creek Valley TOD Plan study area
  • Conceptual site plan, massing and design views for the Clear Creek Transit Village.

Implementation Goals:

Floodplain Mitigation - a portion of the Clear Creek Transit Village and the majority of the Clear Creek Valley TOD site on the east side of Federal Blvd. area lies within a 100-year flood plain. Property owners in the affected area need to work with Adams County and other governmental agencies to develop a solution to this problem.

Land Contamination - even though the Clear Creek Transit Village does not have contamination issues, properties on the east side of Federal Blvd. may. Property owners need to work with Adams County and other governmental agencies to clean up properties for redevelopment into higher and better uses.

Community Outreach - the planning process will include dialogue and input from the surrounding community, including stakeholders such as nearby landowners, residents, and business owners.

Market for Development - the development vision for the Clear Creek Transit Village is long-term.

Fiscal Impact - the development of the Clear Creek Transit Village will encourage landowners and developers to invest in surrounding properties including land on the east side of Federal Blvd.

Adams County Clear Creek Valley TOD Plan

Adopted 2009
64th Avenue on the North, Huron Street on the East, 53rd Avenue on the South, and Lowell on the West.

General Station area goals:

  • Maintain and enhance existing commercial corridors
  • Create new connections with surrounding residential and commercial areas
  • Revitalize older commercial and industrial areas
  • Encourage mixed use development
  • Promote sustainable development
  • Enhance the area’s role as a gateway to Southwest Adams County
  • Maintain and enhance existing residential neighborhoods
  • Improve open space and recreational opportunities
  • Revitalize vacant and underutilized land

Specific Options:

Complete the connection of 60th Avenue between Federal Blvd. and Pecos Junction Stations, provides access to Clear Creek and open space. 

12 to 20 Years

  • Mixed use village center, business park, light industrial park.
  • Clear Creek Open Space expansion and creation of a destination recreation or conference center amenity.
  • Implementation Goals
  • Maximizing access to the RTD rail station
  • Creating a critical mass of residents, employees, and shoppers to have a thriving retail environment and well-used public spaces
  • Building Class A office space with a focus on creative and sustainable industries
  • Maximizing opportunities for people to access nature without getting in a car
  • Establishing car sharing and bicycle sharing to reduce the need for vehicle ownership
  • Creating a substantially smaller carbon footprint as compared to conventional development though sustainable transport patterns and building design and use
  • Creating LEED rated buildings
  • Encouraging festivals, music, and other cultural activity on-site 

Phase 1 to 2010

Adoption of TOD and Rail Station Area Planning Guidelines.
Adopt the Clear Creek TOD Planning Study
Expansion of the open space areas
Enhancements to the Clear Creek
Infrastructure investments
New form-based zoning overlay regulations
Research various public and private funding sources

Phase 2 2010 to 2015

Find a master developer to assemble and redevelop the land according to a master plan
RFP for a master developer and complete a development agreement with the owners and the County

Specific Projects:

  • Clear Creek Master Drainage Planning – Phase B
  • Clear Creek Parkway
  • Collector road and bridge over Clear Creek
  • Complete water loop
  • Clear Creek Park:  two options:   parkway or open space
  • Transit Village mixed use development

Abbreviated history of how the Clear Creek Transit Village Vision Plan was incorporated into the county's Clear Creek Valley TOD Plan

The Clear Creek Valley TOD Plan was in the process of being set for adoption in 2009, when staff was contacted by a developer, the TOD Group, who had purchased property at 6001 Federal Blvd. with the intention of creating a Transit Oriented Development. The case was then continued to allow the TOD Group to present their vision to the community. The community meeting was held at Carl Park Community Center on May 13, 2009. The Plan received a very positive reception from the community.

The Clear Creek Transit Village Vision Plan includes an alternative conceptual site plan, massing and design views, as well as two additional options for the Federal at Clear Creek Station along the Gold Line. It further defines the vision for the county's "mixed-use village center" on the west side of Federal Boulevard, north of the tracks. It is a more refined development plan, calling for a network of narrower streets, taller buildings and a mix of uses to provide a vibrant urban atmosphere.


The following documents have been officially adopted as amendments to the county's Comprehensive Plan: