Waste Hauler Licensing

Solid Waste Hauler Licensing

On January 9, 2024, the Adams County Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance No. 17 “Ordinance for the Regulation of Solid Waste Hauling Businesses and Providing for Licenses for Such Businesses.” The ordinance is effective as of February 17, 2024.

All solid waste haulers that collect and haul waste in unincorporated Adams County must obtain a license. Solid waste includes trash, recyclables, organics, junk, construction & demolition debris, and other bulky materials.

The Adams County Solid Waste Hauler Licensing and Reporting program creates a fair operating environment for all solid waste haulers:

  1.  It requires that haulers meet the same baseline collection safety requirements.
  2. It provides basic solid waste tonnage data for the residential and commercial sectors in unincorporated Adams County.
  3. It requires that Solid Waste Haulers providing trash collection service to residential and commercial customers must also offer recycling collection service to these customers. 
  4. It requires that Solid Waste Haulers provide basic recycling information to customers receiving recycling services. 


Key Expectations of Solid Waste Haulers


Get licensed and stay licensed

In 2024, Solid Waste Haulers are expected to register for the program by April and become fully licensed by May. Annual license renewals will be required. Click here for step-by-step registration instructions. Instrucciones de Registro para Re-TRAC.

Report annual tonnage using Re-TRAC

Solid Waste Haulers must report tonnage hauled during the previous year by January 31st of each year. In January 2025, all licensed Solid Waste Haulers will submit tonnage data from 2024. 

Keep solid waste receipts

Solid Waste Haulers must keep receipts from all disposal sites and facilities for two years.

Label vehicles and containers 

Solid Waste Haulers must label all vehicles involved in transporting solid waste with the name and telephone number of the company printed on both the right and left side of the vehicle and/or on the street-facing side of collection containers in letters and/or numbers that are reasonably legible. 

Offer recycling services

All Solid Waste Haulers providing regular collection of landfill materials from residential, multi-family or commercial customers shall offer curbside recycling collection services to include, at a minimum, the materials designated in the Minimum Recyclables List, on a regular and recurring schedule. Solid Waste Haulers must also provide annual notification of the recycling collection service offering to all customers that receive regular landfill materials collection.

Communicate recycling services to customers

Solid Waste Haulers must provide their recycling guidelines (that meet or exceed the Minimum Recyclables List) to all recycling service customers upon initial service and annually, thereafter.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I operate in Adams County? Utilize this map to determine if your company operates in unincorporated Adams County. The boundary of Adams County is indicated and incorporated cities and towns are shaded with different colors. All other areas (areas without color shading) are unincorporated areas.  
  • Does this ordinance apply to me? Ordinance 17 applies to all Solid Waste Haulers operating in unincorporated areas of Adams County.  Solid waste includes trash, recyclables, organics, junk, construction & demolition debris, and other bulky materials. 
  • Can I collect solid waste in unincorporated Adams County without a license?  No. To collect solid waste in unincorporated Adams County you must have a Solid Waste Hauler License issued by Adams County. 
  • Why did the County develop a hauler licensing program? Adams County developed this program for several reasons, including the desire to provide a level playing field for waste haulers, ensure community health and safety, collect data to track progress towards waste diversion goals, provide expanded access to recycling, and ultimately, to increase waste diversion. 
  • How do I obtain a solid waste hauler license? First, you will need to register for the Adams County Re-TRAC Waste Hauler Licensing and Reporting program and setup your Re-TRAC account. Once registered, you’ll be able to access the Waste Hauler Licensing Application form in your Re-TRAC account workspace. Fill in all fields of the licensing application form and save as complete to submit. Adams County receives your application form for review and verification. Upon verification, you’ll receive an email notifying you can access your license document from your Re-TRAC account workspace.
  • How will I receive my license?  You will be able to access your license electronically via the Adams County Waste Hauler Licensing and Reporting program system. You can download, save, and/or print the license document from your Re-TRAC account workspace. 
  • Is there a fee for obtaining a Solid Waste Hauler License? Yes, there is a tiered annual fee for Solid Waste Haulers. 
    • 1-3 hauling vehicles = $100*
    • 4-9 hauling vehicles = $300
    • 10+ hauling vehicles = $600
      *Solid Waste Haulers that are recycle-only or compost-only haulers are capped at the $100 level even if they operate with more than three vehicles. 
  • My company uses a third-party hauler. Do they need to be licensed? Yes, all businesses involved with the collection of solid waste within unincorporated Adams County are responsible for obtaining a Solid Waste Hauler License. 
  • Where can I find a list of solid waste haulers licensed in unincorporated Adams County? This information will be available and listed on this webpage after July 1, 2024. 
  • How do I get licensed? The Re-TRAC registration form document details the steps for getting licensed. The first step is to register using the Re-TRAC platform. Once registration is complete, an application can be completed. The application includes the submission of a licensing fee and a certificate of insurance. 

For questions and information about Waster Hauler Licensing in Adams County, please contact:

Katie Keefe
Environmental Programs Manager
















Steps for Solid Waste Haulers Operating in Unincorporated Adams County: 

Step 1: Register for the Adams County Waste Hauler Licensing & Reporting Re-TRAC website.  Instructions can be found here

Step 2: Access Waste Hauler Licensing application in your workspace. 

Step 3:  Submit Waste Hauler License Application.

Step 4: Access and download Waste Hauler License document from your workspace.

Step 5:  Submit annual waste tonnage data each January.