2022 Quarter 1 Report
Community Safety & Well-Being
2022 Quarter 1 Report
Elevate People
5303nights of homelessness prevented via the Severe Weather Activation Plan (SWAP). |
Initiated the Domestic Violence (DV) Lyft Concierge Program to provide Lyft rides to people fleeing domestic violence in collaboration with CSWB, Adams County Sheriff's Office, Almost Home, Family Tree, and Gateway.470 Lyft rides provided to people experience homelessness and connected them to further resources |
46 households connected to emergency housing vouchers by the Poverty Reduction Team. |
12 of those people were experiencing homelessness. |
Supported with recovery of the Boulder Marshall Fire by coordinating with County Manager's Office, Parks, Open Space & Cultural Arts, and Adams County CSU Extension Services to open, staff, and equip Riverdale Regional Park to Receive and care for approximately 11 evacuated horses. |
Strengthen Neighborhoods
A community meeting was held on March 8 at the Carl Park Community Center. Kyle Lopez, Barb Baca, and Doug Fish presented information about Emergency Preparedness Programs, Neighborhood Connections, and the upcoming Parking Program.
87calls for animal management services in Q1. |
23average minutes to resolve an animal service request. |
223code compliance complaints received in Q1. |
7days to respond to a code compliance complaint in Q1. |
32days to close a code compliance case in Q1. |
347graffiti removals in Q1.
0days to respond to a complaint of graffiti. Graffiti removed in 24 hours or less in Q1. |
99%of graffiti cases were officer generated removals. |
Improve Systems
Countywide Collaboration on People Experiencing Homelessness (PEH)
CSWB is working with municipal partners on a Memorandum of Understanding MOU that further strengthens regional coordination and improve outcomes for people experiencing, or are at risk of, homelessness through a shared vision. The MOU includes sharing and utilizing available data that will help identify resource and service needs, as well as potential locations that serve our residents experiencing homelessness. Currently, Adams County, eight of its municipalities, and the City and County of Broomfield has expressed interest to move forward with the MOU.
Data Sharing Agreements
CSWB successfully implemented data sharing agreements with the following organizations to develop an improved understanding of homelessness in Adams County:
- Centura Health
- Adams County Sheriff’s Office
- City of Northglenn
Annual Point-in-Time (PIT) Count
Heather McClure, CSWB Community Justice Navigator, led the county’s participation in this annual count of people experiencing homelessness. Heather coordinated the numerous stakeholders and volunteers, while recruiting lived-experience surveyors and handing out participation-incentive packs (including personal hygiene items) to municipal partners.
Mass Care Annex to Disaster Management Plan
The Mass Care Annex is a support document to the County Disaster Management Plan. The Annex describes roles and responsibilities for providing mass care service (shelter, food, clothing, and health/safety needs) during a disaster.
Wildland Fire Cooperative Agreement
This document is an MOU between the County, Division of Fire Prevention and Control, U.S. Forest Service, and the Adams County Sheriff’s Office. It outlines the roles, responsibilities, process, and procedures for wildland fire response on federal lands within Adams County.
Team/Employee Highlight
“I live alone and have no family, and the few friends I have are on the West Coast. As a result, I can easily spiral into despair and lose the ability to put my energy into solutions and not despondence. Lindsay has been a great presence. Although my situation is still dire, I feel like there’s someone “out there” who cares, and that is helping me feel a lot less alone. […] I wanted to impart how grateful I am for good people like Lindsay and you, too! - who care. Feeling like there are people who care gives me back something that had pretty much slipped away - hope.” |
Ron Sigman received 2021 North Central All-Hazards Region Emergency Manager of the Year. This award is the highest honor given by the Colorado Emergency Management Association where an individual is nominated by their peer group and nominations are submitted to the Association for final consideration and selection. |
Dean Berenbaum received the Associate Certified Emergency Manager (CEM) certification. The Associate CEM is the precursor to obtaining the Certified Emergency Manager certificate which designates that a person has achieved a professional management level in Emergency Management. |
Kyle Lopez received the CEMA President’s Award for his work with COVID-19 logistics working with CDPHE. Kyle helped to coordinate supply receiving, storage, and distribution of PPE and COVID-19 related support equipment for the State. |
New Hires
Helpful Links |