Commissioner Eva J. Henry, District 1

Personal History

Commissioner Eva Henry grew up in Adams County and raised her children behind the house she grew up in. A lot of those years were as a struggling single mother. Commissioner Henry understands what it takes to put a meal on the table and a roof over a family’s head. That’s why families that struggle hold a special place in Eva’s heart.

In 2007 Commissioner Henry wanted to represent the community that gave her and her children so much, so she ran for Thornton City Council. Eva won her first election with over 60% of the vote and won her re-election with 73% of the vote and became Mayor Pro Tem for the city.

In 2012 Eva wanted to do more for the hard-working people of Adams County and decided to run for county commissioner. She won her election and was sworn in January 2013.

Commissioner Eva Henry championed the building of the Pete Mirelez Human Service Center, creating a welcoming world-class building to help those in need. The new Human Service building left the old Child Welfare building abandoned. Commissioner Henry advocated for the donation of that building to the Maiker Housing Authority for the creation of Caraway, a multi-family, mixed-income affordable housing project that provides housing for families and children who are aging out of foster care.

Commissioner Henry continues to work for environmental justice and advocates for clean air and water. She fought to regulate the gas and oil industry and Adams County became the first county in the state to pass regulations on drilling in 2019. Eva continues her work on environmental issues in the county and speaks on these concerns often.

Eva Henry was part of the negotiation team that created economic opportunities for Denver International Airport and Adams County in 2015. This opportunity will create over 12,000 jobs in twenty years in and around the airport. She also was part of the team that flew to Japan and brought an aerospace company to Colorado Air and Spaceport.

Now serving her third and final term, Commissioner Henry is proud of the progress Adams County has made, from regulating the oil and gas industry to increasing bilingual outreach along with so many other accomplishments. Commissioner Henry hopes her 17 years in local government has made a difference in people’s lives.

During Eva’s personal time she paints, hikes, travels, and spends time with her beautiful grandchildren.

Commissioner Henry currently serves on the following boards/committees: Airport Coordinating Committee, Colorado Communities for Climate Action, Colorado Counties, Inc., County & Commissioners Acting Together, Governor Polis Transition Team 2018, Maiker Housing Partners, Metro Area County Commissioners, National Association of Counties, Regional Air Quality Control Commission (Governor Appointee), Science & Cultural Facilities District, and the Adams County Opioid Council.

Eva J. Henry
Eva J. Henry
Fx: 720.523.6045