Development Engineering Services
What Does Development Engineering Services Do?
Development Engineering Services provides professional engineering reviews for new development applications to determine road and drainage requirements. This review ensures consistency with engineering standards and the County's overall plans, as well as the County's floodplain regulations. We achieve this by:
- Performing comprehensive plan review for all new development and redevelopment
- Providing guidance in surface water drainage design, environmental, transportation, and land use development
- Updating, maintaining, interpreting and implementing the Adams County Development Manual and related plans, documents, and policies
- Conducting special studies and coordinating and communicating with other departments, governments and agencies undertaking planning and plan implementation
Click here for all Engineering Review, Right-of-Way, and Infrastructure Applications
Engineering Submittal Requirements
All submittals made to Development Engineering Services must be submitted electronically to the E-Permit Center via email ([email protected]) and contain the following:
- The proposed site plan
- All necessary design/construction plans and reports
- The Development Review Engineering Application form completed by the applicant
Adams County Floods – Emergency Management
Adams County Stormwater Utility
Application for Floodplain Use Permit
Emergency Management - Our Risks
Floodplain Use Permit Checklist
Flood Control Overlay Regulations (see Chapter 3)
Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA)
Interactive Floodplain / FEMA Web Map
County-Owned Assets
For real property conveyances such as easements, surveying, and staging requests on county-owned property (unless ROW), oil and gas leases and surface use requests, where the county is a vested, or perceived to be vested, as an owner, contact:
Nicci Beauprez | Email
Real Property Manager
Facilities & Fleet Management Department
4430 S. Adams County Pkwy.
Brighton, CO 80601
Ph: 720.523.6060 | Website – Centralized Asset Management
Have an engineering-related question? Email the Engineer of the Day at [email protected]
You can also call 720.523.6800