Imagine Adams County - The Comprehensive Plan
Please note that the Imagine Adams Comprehensive Plan has been updated and replaced with the Advancing Adams Comprehensive Plan, which was adopted on September 8, 2022 and ratified by the Board of County Commissioners on September 27, 2022. You can find the new Advancing Adams Comprehensive Plan by clicking here.
The Adams County Comprehensive Plan (“the Plan”), Imagine Adams County
The official policy document of the Adams County Planning Commission and Board of County Commissioners.
Is an advisory document that provides broad-based policy guidance and a physical framework for decision-making within the county on a range of growth-related issues.
Establishes goals, policies, and strategies to assist the Planning Commission, Board of County Commissioners, and staff in day to day decision-making regarding land use applications, capital improvement planning, and regional coordination efforts with other jurisdictions and agencies.
Provides increased predictability for Adams County residents, property owners and business owners, school districts, and others regarding the county’s future.
Identified several areas for further planning and study – commercial corridor revitalization, the Southwest Adams County Area, and others.
Several potential issues and opportunities were identified through the Imagine Adams County planning process that required further discussion with area property owners, business owners, and residents.
This 2012 update, titled “Imagine Adams County” includes four distinct, but closely integrated components:
Comprehensive Plan Update
Transportation Plan Update
Hazard Mitigation Plan (integrated into Comprehensive Plan)
Open Space, Parks, and Trails Master Plan
Integrating these three efforts, both in terms of the overall process and the resulting plans represents a significant departure from previous planning efforts in Adams County and around the country. While the
integration of land use and transportation efforts has become increasingly common in comprehensive plans, incorporating hazard mitigation is altogether new. This level of integration reflects Adams County’s commitment to a more resilient and sustainable future.
2012 Comprehensive Plan
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E