Proposed Regulation Amendments
The Adams County Board of Commissioners adopted the Development Standards and Regulations to guide development and protect and promote the public health, safety, and general welfare of the county.
These Development Standards and Regulations are regularly updated to reflect the goals of the Comprehensive Plan, to ensure that they adhere to current case law, and to comply with updated State and Federal regulations.
Adams County plans to substantially revise its Development Standards and Regulations in a process known as the Land Use Code Update. View project updates and get involved by clicking this link and visiting our Engage with Adams site.
Adams County is initiating text amendments to our Development Standards and Regulations (DSR) to address Data Center and Off-Grid Electric Generation uses. After multiple stakeholder meetings and direction from the Board of County Commissioners, staff has drafted text amendments to Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 11 of the DSR. Staff welcomes any feedback regarding the proposed changes by July 10, 2023.
Previous Stakeholder Outreach