Graffiti Removal
To report Graffiti, call 720.523.6565 or email graffiti@adcogov.org.
Click here to view a map of graffiti cleaned in Adams County.
Graffiti can be a nuisance, costly, and destructive. Adams County Community Safety & Well-Being is in support of being Graffiti-Free Adams! Communities, organizations, and individuals are encouraged to take control of their neighborhood by keeping the county clean and quickly removing graffiti. Prompt removal reduces the chance of graffiti reappearing and helps maintain a safe, secure, and attractive environment.
To help in this effort, Adams County created the Graffiti Removal Program to assist residential and retail properties within unincorporated Adams County who are unable to remove graffiti themselves. Created in 2015, the program was brought in-house to reduce abatement costs, which led to a 36% savings from 2014. This also provided a quicker response time from contractor led removals.
If you are unable to remove graffiti, or need assistance, please report graffiti to 720.523.6565 or graffiti@adcogov.org. Currently, the program offers only gray or tan paint or a power washer. You can also provide the paint color, and we can still help with the removal. The Graffiti Removal Program is free; however, a signed Permission Waiver is required from the property owner or tenant. Adams County cannot remove graffiti until we receive the signed permission waiver. We strive to respond within 48 hours, but please be aware, weather plays a huge role in our abilities! If the weather is below 40 degrees or is too wet, we will be unable to use our paint supplies or power washers. Any reports of graffiti will be logged and removed as soon as weather permits in the order they were received.