2022 Stormwater Utility Newsletter

Stormwater Utility

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Where Does Your Money Go? 


The Stormwater Utility (SWU) fee is approximately $0.02 per square foot of impervious area. Impervious area are surfaces such as rooftops, concrete, and pavement that do not allow water to naturally infiltrate into the ground. The fee goes towards construction and maintenance of the public drainage system. For project designs and construction status, cost, and location, visit the interactive map.

Reminder Icon


Reminder: Payments are due by March 15th annually.


Pay by Phone


Pay over the phone! Call 1.800.487.4567. Tell the operator you need to pay Adams County, Transportation, Stormwater Utility in Colorado.


Pay Online


Pay online at adcogov.org/stormwater. It’s free, quick, and easy! Save time and money on postage. You will need to enter your customer number.

Mosquito concerns this summer? Report areas near public drainage system to 303.428.5908 or or click here.

What’s new in 2022?

Trash BasketsTrash Basket


Trash Baskets
Trash baskets were installed this spring in the pond at Washington St. and E. 70th Ave. This project is an innovative experiment to capture litter from the storm drain which originates from the streets before entering the pond and eventually ending up in other natural bodies of water, like Clear Creek. The aluminum baskets are critical in protecting waterways and preventing clogs that cause flooding. Adams County decided to use this innovative technique to efficiently help eliminate trash build-up found in the natural environments. To help, you can do your part in picking up trash/litter.

Pervfious PaversPervious Pavers

Source for photos

Pervious Pavers

Pervious Pavers are a new innovative way to help stormwater infiltrate into the ground. The Capital Improvement Project being constructed off Highway 224 and York St. will be using Pervious Pavers in the area between the roadway and sidewalk. Pervious Pavers are concrete bricks with connecting joints leaving gaps in between for small rocks. Water will infiltrate through the joints, into the rock layer, and back into the ground soils. Using this technology will help replicate the natural infiltration of water, like it was prior to construction. 

Water Quality

Water Quality



The #1 pollutant in stormwater by volume is sediment, which smothers aquatic life and transports pathogens. Source: U.S. EPA.



40% of U.S rivers are too polluted for fishing or swimming. Source: U.S. EPA.


Storm Drains

Water quality can be harmed when these items go down the drain: dirt, motor oil, pet feces, fertilizers, herbicides, de-icing agents, soaps, litter, and more. Source: Colorado Stormwater Council.



Motor Oil

One gallon of motor oil can contaminate $1 million gallons of water. Source: Bennington County Solid Waste Alliance.





Reduce impervious areas so rain soaks into the ground. Source: Stormwater Guide.




Native Trees

Plant native trees and plants which help infiltrate stormwater and increase evaporation and transpiration. Source: Stormwater Guide.




Storm DrainThe only water we will ever have is what we have now. Let’s do our part to take care of our water. Only rain down the drains. It is illegal to dump into the stormwater system per Ordinance 11. Help the environment and report illegal discharges to  720.523.6400 or swq@adcogov.org.

Storm Drains vs. Sewer System

Storm Drains

Understanding the difference between stormwater and sanitary sewer systems is important due to their environmental impact.

Water that comes from precipitation, sprinklers, or the roadside curb can lead directly to the exterior stormwater drain if it doesn’t infiltrate into the ground. Once runoff water enters the stormwater drain, it is not treated before it enters ditches, rivers, or any body of water. Because of this, it is important to do all you can to keep pollutants out of the stormwater drain.  

When using your dishwasher, sink, or shower, this water travels through plumbing in your house and is later directed to the sanitary sewer system, then treated, and released back into natural waters. Even with water being treated, it is always important to be cautious about what you put down your interior drain.

Calendar of Events

Neighborhood Clean-up Events

Free for residents of these neighborhoods:

Berkeley Neighborhood Clean-up
Saturday, May 21, 7 a.m. – Noon
Carl Park Community Center
5401 Meade St., Denver

Dahlia Neighborhood Clean-up
Saturday, June 11, 7 a.m. – Noon
Adams County Pit
8080 Dahlia St., Commerce City

Strasburg Neighborhood Clean-up
Saturday, July 16, 7 a.m. – Noon
2550 Strasburg Rd. Strasburg

Year-Round Events

Household Hazardous Waste Collection
Wednesday and Saturday, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Veolia Colorado Recycling Center
9131 E. 96th Ave., Henderson

  • Available to Adams County residents year-round by appointment only.
  •  Call 303.526.8155
  •  Fees may apply.

Lake Appreciation Day

Saturday, July 9, 8 a.m. –12 p.m.
Barr Lake State Park
13401 Picadilly Rd., Brighton
Free lunch and fun activities in the afternoon from Noon – 3 p.m. Click here to sign up.

National Public Lands Day

Sunday. Sept. 18, 9 a.m. – Noon
Barr Lake State Park
13401 Picadilly Rd., Brighton
Click here to sign up.

Adopt-A-Spot Fast Facts

Click here for more information or call 303.637.8102.


Flood Awareness
Floods are the most common and costly natural disaster that can happen anytime and anywhere. Click here for more information.