2024 Miscellaneous Concrete and ADA Ramps Program

Project Overview

The 2024 Miscellaneous Concrete and ADA Ramps Program includes performing planned concrete maintenance work and work to improve ADA accessibility.  The program will be focusing on concrete replacement and trip hazard grinding at select locations, as well as the replacement and new pedestrian curb ramps as part of the County’s commitment to improve ADA accessibility within unincorporated Adams County.

  • Sidewalk, Curb, and Gutter Repair: Sidewalk, curb, and gutter damage will be inspected and areas for repair and trip hazard grinding will be identified by the County. The County’s goal is to perform repairs prior to, or in conjunction with, the annual paving program and address spot repairs based upon severity and coordination with other requests to allow the work to be performed in an efficient manner.
  • Pedestrian Curb Ramps: According to standards set by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), newly constructed or altered streets must contain curb ramps and existing non-compliant ramps are to be updated for compliance. As a result, the County will prioritize the installation and replacement of ADA pedestrian ramps in all locations where the County’s annual Street Paving Program is planning to do asphalt paving work. Work may ADA accessibility is mandated at all intersections.

This year’s program will be performed Colorado Paving, Inc. in partnership with Adams County. Please be aware of the heavy equipment and increased activity while driving in the area.  Also, please make sure to observe the traffic control barricades, warning devices, and "No Parking" signs that are in place in the area. Additionally:

  • Please do not remove any flags, stakes, or markers that have been placed for location purposes and are needed for the work.
  • Please wait to water lawns for 24 hours after the concrete replacement; excessive water will damage new concrete.
  • New driveway curb cuts will not be provided due to Americans with Disabilities Act requirements.  


This year, the Program’s work will focus in the Sherrelwood neighborhood, but will also include select areas throughout unincorporated Adams County.

(Click to enlarge)

Map - 2024 Miscellaneous Concrete Program


Work will start late October and is anticipated to be ongoing through early 2025, as weather allows and until complete. Work hours typically will be Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Public Information

Notifications will be sent out advising the public of the upcoming concrete work and a public meeting will be held for the Sherrelwood neighborhood. Additional notices and signage will be posted to the properties directly in front of the work locations, typically 72 hours prior to starting work, to minimize inconvenience and to move vehicles outside of the work areas. If vehicles are not moved from the work areas, vehicles may be towed to a nearby location to maintain the project’s progress.


Generally, the type of closures to expect are temporary sidewalk closures, driveway access closures (at select locations), one lane closures, and lane shifts along the neighborhood streets.

Project Updates

Working days: Jan. 13-Jan. 17, 2025

Location: Work will continue, as weather allows, in areas east of Conifer Road with the following anticipated schedule:

  • Monday: El Paso Blvd (between Conifer Rd and Greenwood Blvd)
  • Tuesday: W 79th Pl & W 80th Ave
  • Wednesday: Sundown Ln & Leona Dr
  • Thursday: Granada Rd & Del Norte St
  • Friday: W 80th Ave, Sundown Ln & Leona Dr

Description of work: Removal and replacement of combination curb, gutter, and sidewalk

Closures & Detours: Work is anticipated to be on one side of the road at a time, with work typically affecting three streets at one time. One lane closures are to be expected during work, but will typically be opened back up to the public outside of work. Parking areas and driveway access will be restricted at locations of repairs until the concrete is strong enough for vehicles (typically 3 to 7 days). Pedestrian sidewalk closures are expected to be on one side of the road at a time with pedestrian detours.

After Concrete Construction is Complete

Once the cones and signage have been removed, the new concrete is completed to the point where it is safe for residents to use the area, drive their cars freely and park on the street.  

Asphalt patching is usually completed after all concrete replacement has been completed.  This may vary for more severe damage, or the damage may be addressed at a later date with the Street Paving Program.

Generally, areas behind concrete repairs and new ramps will be backfilled and include minor landscape repairs.  For concrete construction that may extend into winter months, some landscape repairs may be held off until spring.

  • Sprinkler repairs will usually take place within 72 hours of pouring the concrete.
  • General landscape repairs to grass and mulch generally should be completed within 14 days calendar days, though repairs may be combined with other repairs at a later date.

Please do not apply de-icing materials to new concrete (within one year) as this will cause spalling and deterioration of the concrete. 

Contact Information

Public Information Manager: Jesus Sanchez, Colorado Paving, Inc.
Project Hotline: 303.210.6516
Project Email: Info@copaving.com

If problems or concerns arise that the Contractor is not resolving, please contact the Adams County Infrastructure Manager at 720.523.6840.

Crystal Carlow
Adams County Project Manager