Achieving Compliance Together (ACT)

Program Introduction

Achieving Compliance Together (ACT) will provide outreach and education regarding Adams County Development Standards and Regulations to business owners to identified areas in unincorporated Adams County. Additionally, this initiative intends to create a collaborative relationship between business owners and Adams County through identifying potential violations, education, and working together to achieve voluntary compliance.

ACT will start as a pilot program within the Federal Corridor. A map of the identified properties can be found HERE.

Please navigate here to see the data overview of the ACT program.


Permits Land UseSpecial/Temporary Uses, Conditional Uses, Variance.
Permits; Building(s)Remodels, Additions, Roofing, Electrical, Plumbing.
BlightEnvironmental blight includes rubbish, junk, trash, garbage, and debris; tall, overgrown grass, weeds and brush (12inches); cast-off material such as scrap metal, plastic, wood, appliances, machinery, and auto parts stored outdoors.
Change-In-UseA change in use of property occurs whenever the essential character or nature of the activity conducted on a lot changes.
Auto Dealerships & ServiceAll activities for automobile service must take place inside a building, not in the parking lot, street, or anywhere else on the property. All vehicles awaiting repair must be stored behind a solid fence or wall, not surrounding the building nor on the street.
Screen FencingScreen fencing is required for items, vehicles, etc., stored outside to shield those items from the Right-of-Way and from properties with lesser intensive uses.
Food TrucksOperating a vending/food truck on a property requires a permit with the County.


E-Permit Center logo

To apply for permits online, visit

Planning & Development

For information on permits, the permit-approval process, and/or allowed uses on a property, contact a Planner at or 720.523.6800. Please reference the ACT case number when speaking to a Planner (i.e., ACT2024-00001).

Si necesita ayuda en Español, visite nuestro nuevo correo electronico creado para ayudarle mejor:


Federal Corridor Map 
Achieving Compliance Together (ACT) Memo 
Achieving Compliance Together (ACT) Memo - Spanish 
Frequently Asked Questions 

Kerry Gress  
Code Officer II  

8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.  
(Excluding building closure days)