Employability & Personal Development Workshops
Current Workshops
No-cost workshops are offered by the Workforce and Business Center to assist job seekers with identifying their career path, assessing their skills and overall job readiness, utilizing effective job-search strategies, and developing soft skills needed to gain and retain employment.
The Workforce and Business Center values the safety of our customers and staff and has temporarily discontinued in-person workshops during the COVID-19 public health crisis. Until in-person workshops can be resumed safely, the training team is pleased to offer a wide range of virtual workshops. See the following descriptions for more information and see our monthly schedules: July 2024 | August 2024.
To register for an upcoming workshop, log into your Connecting Colorado account.
Workshops are held virtually via Zoom. Please click here for more information on how to use Zoom.
The Job Seeker Workbook supplements Adams County job readiness workshops and provides a step-by-step guide to developing a career path and securing employment. Click here for your free PDF.
Don't have time for a workshop? Click here for job searching tips and strategy guides.
For our customers seeking to update their computer skills, we recommend visiting GCF Learn Free for self-guided tutorials covering a wide variety of computer technology topics (and many others!).
The Adams County Workforce & Business Center offers a free GED Preparation Program. Get registered for access to the online platform and in-person classes as needed. Email WBCGED@adcogov.org for more information.
Class Descriptions
Adams County Job Club | Meeting twice a month, Job Club allows job seekers to network with peers, help each other, talk about successes and challenges, and practice more intensive job-preparedness skills. One regular benefit of the club is Q&A sessions with Human Resources professionals where club members can solicit direct, real-world feedback about the business side of hiring. |
Career Exploration | Conduct a thorough self-analysis and learn about assessments that can help you identify a career path that will be a great fit for YOU! This workshop covers:
Communication | Learn the tools you need to communicate more effectively in interviews and the workplace. This workshop covers:
Conflict Resolution | TWO-PART WORKSHOP! Many of us don't handle conflict so well. Learn how to build stronger relationships and create greater success by effectively managing and resolving conflict. This workshop covers:
Connecting Colorado | Add to your job-searching tool box by learning how to effectively utilize the database used by all Workforce Centers in the state to connect job seekers with employers. This workshop covers:
Cover Letter | Who needs a cover letter? What goes in it? How is it different from the resume? Learn the answer to these questions and many others in this informative workshop. This workshop covers:
Critical Thinking | Learn how to effectively analyze and solve work problems, develop more and better ideas, make fewer mistakes, and get more out of training and other learning opportunities on the job. This workshop covers:
Elements of Networking | Did you know most people get jobs through people they know? Learn how to leverage your network to maximize your job search success! This workshop covers:
Financial Literacy | Adams County WBC is excited to partner with the CSU Extension office to offer a series of four financial literacy workshops each month. Topics include:
Interview Workshops | Come explore strategies to turn interviews into job offers in this four-workshop series. Each workshop stands alone, but take all four to fully develop your expertise in this subject!
Job Development Prep Class | Learn how the Job Development program works to connect you with employers. This workshop covers:
Job Searching with a Criminal Background | Learn how to discuss your criminal background with confidence and to reframe past mistakes into current strengths. This workshop covers:
Leadership | Learn how to communicate effectively, keep morale high, motivate every single worker to perform well, maximize efficiency and achieve collective goals. Participants can customize their workshop experience by choosing a selection of topics to focus on from 20 different leadership areas. No two workshops are the same! |
Learn networking strategies to target the hidden job market. Prepare an elevator speech, develop a job fair plan, and stand out from other job seekers by making the most of a job fair. This workshop covers:
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Manage Time for Success | With so many competing demands, it is tough to get everything done. Gain a new perspective on time management and learn strategies to make the most of your time. This workshop covers:
Managing Change | In these unprecedented times, change is our constant companion. Instead of fighting against it, learn how to embrace change and use it to your advantage. This workshop covers:
Marketing Yourself Successfully | How can you stand out in today's job market? Learn the basics of professional branding. This workshop covers:
Online Job-Search Resources | Learn how to utilize online resources to research occupations and explore your career-path. This workshop gives an overview of various resources including:
Professional Relationships | Have you ever struggled with relating to others, responding positively to feedback, or dealing with difficult people? Learn skills and strategies to build strong relationships at work! This workshop covers:
Resume Workshops | Learn how to elevate your resume so it gets you interviews in this four-workshop series. Each workshop stands alone, but take all four to fully develop your expertise in this subject!
Self-Care for Balance | Do you feel life pulling you in many different directions? Reclaim your life by creating space for the things you enjoy. This workshop covers:
Take Control of Your Life | Do you sometimes feel like the world is spinning out of control? Discover strategies that can give you a greater sense of control in your life. This workshop covers: