Employability & Personal Development Workshops

Current Workshops

No-cost workshops are offered by the Workforce and Business Center to assist job seekers with identifying their career path, assessing their skills and overall job readiness, utilizing effective job-search strategies, and developing soft skills needed to gain and retain employment.

The Workforce and Business Center values the safety of our customers and staff and has temporarily discontinued in-person workshops during the COVID-19 public health crisis. Until in-person workshops can be resumed safely, the training team is pleased to offer a wide range of virtual workshops. See the following descriptions for more information and see our monthly schedules: July 2024 | August 2024.

Connecting Colorado


To register for an upcoming workshop, log into your Connecting Colorado account.




Workshops are held virtually via Zoom. Please click here for more information on how to use Zoom.


Job Seeker Workbook

The Job Seeker Workbook supplements Adams County job readiness workshops and provides a step-by-step guide to developing a career path and securing employment. Click here for your free PDF.


  Quick Tips

Don't have time for a workshop? Click here for job searching tips and strategy guides.


GCF Learn Free


For our customers seeking to update their computer skills, we recommend visiting GCF Learn Free for self-guided tutorials covering a wide variety of computer technology topics (and many others!).


GED Prep


The Adams County Workforce & Business Center offers a free GED Preparation Program. Get registered for access to the online platform and in-person classes as needed. Email [email protected] for more information.


Class Descriptions 

Adams County Job Club  Meeting twice a month, Job Club allows job seekers to network with peers, help each other, talk about successes and challenges, and practice more intensive job-preparedness skills. One regular benefit of the club is Q&A sessions with Human Resources professionals where club members can solicit direct, real-world feedback about the business side of hiring.  
Career Exploration 

Conduct a thorough self-analysis and learn about assessments that can help you identify a career path that will be a great fit for YOU!  This workshop covers: 

  • Identify your basic employment requirements 
  • Review key personality traits 
  • Identify and list your top values 
  • Identify your key skills 
  • Explore your job interests 

Learn the tools you need to communicate more effectively in interviews and the workplace. This workshop covers: 

  • Understand the benefits of good communication 
  • Be able to recognize communication issues 
  • Review the five components of communication and three methods of communication 
  • Understand effective listening techniques 
  • Learn four communication styles 
  • Demonstrate the proper use of “I Messages” 
Conflict Resolution 

TWO-PART WORKSHOP! Many of us don't handle conflict so well. Learn how to build stronger relationships and create greater success by effectively managing and resolving conflict.  This workshop covers: 

  • Understand what conflict is and how it impacts your life (Part One)
  • Learn steps to set yourself up for success before entering into conflict resolution (Part One)
  • Learn strategies to productively express your perspective in a conflict (Part One)
  • Learn how to invite another’s perspective and facilitate mutual understanding (Part Two)
  • Understand different options for resolution, how to address impasses, and how to promote long-lasting, positive outcomes (Part Two)
Connecting Colorado  

Add to your job-searching tool box by learning how to effectively utilize the database used by all Workforce Centers in the state to connect job seekers with employers.  This workshop covers: 

  • Learn what Connecting Colorado is 
  • Understand how Workforce Centers & Connecting Colorado differ from other organizations and platforms 
  • Explore the different features of Connecting Colorado and learn how to navigate the site 
  • Know how to set up your profile to effectively use Connecting Colorado as part of your job search strategy. 
Cover Letter 

Who needs a cover letter? What goes in it? How is it different from the resume? Learn the answer to these questions and many others in this informative workshop.  This workshop covers: 

  • Understand the purpose of a cover letter 
  • Learn 20 key personality skills 
  • Identify 5 elements of a cover letter 
  • Learn tricks to get the employer’s attention 
  • Identify sections of the cover letter 
  • Learn how to make yourself stand out 
Critical Thinking 

Learn how to effectively analyze and solve work problems, develop more and better ideas, make fewer mistakes, and get more out of training and other learning opportunities on the job.  This workshop covers: 

  • Understand why employers value this skill 
  • Learn the attributes of a critical thinker 
  • Be able to assess sources of information for quality and legitimacy 
  • Explore systematic steps for problem solving and decision making 
  • Learn how to improve critical thinking skills 
Elements of Networking  

Did you know most people get jobs through people they know? Learn how to leverage your network to maximize your job search success! This workshop covers:  

  • Learn why networking is an important job search tool 
  • Explore who is in your network already 
  • Learn strategies to build on your existing network 
  • Gain ideas on where you can network 
  • Understand what informational interviews are and how to conduct them 
Financial Literacy  

Adams County WBC is excited to partner with the CSU Extension office to offer a series of four financial literacy workshops each month. Topics include: 

  • Budgeting Tips 
  • Credit: Know Before You Owe 
  • Credit: Credit Reports and Scores
  • Money and Stress 
  • Retirement 101
  • Meal Planning on a Budget 
Interview Workshops 

Come explore strategies to turn interviews into job offers in this four-workshop series. Each workshop stands alone, but take all four to fully develop your expertise in this subject!

  • Mastering the Interview Process provides an overview of interviewing strategies. 
  • Interviewing Intensive: Responding to Interview Questions takes a deep dive into this challenging aspect of interviewing.
  • Interviewing Intensive: Creating Success Stories focuses on this important aspect of setting yourself up for success in an interview.
  • Interviewing Intensive: Types of Interviews helps you prepare for the different types of interviews you might encounter while searching for employment.
Job Development Prep Class  

Learn how the Job Development program works to connect you with employers. This workshop covers:  

  • Core elements of Job Development 
  • Essential aspects of job readiness, and resources to help become job ready 
  • Advice and best practices for your job search 
Job Searching with a Criminal Background  

Learn how to discuss your criminal background with confidence and to reframe past mistakes into current strengths. This workshop covers:  

  • Understand the keys to a successful job search 
  • Identify the value you have to offer and what concerns employers may have based on your background issues 
  • Understand the elements of a good explanation 
  • Know when and how to use your explanation 
  • Learn additional strategies that can help your job search 
Leadership Learn how to communicate effectively, keep morale high, motivate every single worker to perform well, maximize efficiency and achieve collective goals. Participants can customize their workshop experience by choosing a selection of topics to focus on from 20 different leadership areas. No two workshops are the same! 

Learn networking strategies to target the hidden job market. Prepare an elevator speech, develop a job fair plan, and stand out from other job seekers by making the most of a job fair. This workshop covers:  

  • Learn what LinkedIn is and why it is an important job searching tool 
  • Learn how to set up a basic account, LinkedIn terminology, and definitions 
  • Learn the different elements of your LinkedIn profile and how to set it up 
  • Understand the difference between contacts and connections and learn how to utilize both 
  • Explore how to conduct job search through the LinkedIn platform  
Manage Time for Success 

With so many competing demands, it is tough to get everything done. Gain a new perspective on time management and learn strategies to make the most of your time.  This workshop covers: 

  • Identify where your time is going and what value you are getting out of the time you spend. 
  • Identify what is important to you and learn how goals can help you stay focused on what you want to accomplish. 
  • Learn strategies and planning tools to create a foundation for successful time management. 
  • Explore strategies for putting plans into action that ensure consistent progress toward goals.  
  • Identify one strategy to commit to that will allow time for success in your life. 
Managing Change 

In these unprecedented times, change is our constant companion. Instead of fighting against it, learn how to embrace change and use it to your advantage. This workshop covers: 

  • Understand why flexibility is important and why change is difficult 
  • Learn about the stages we go through when affected by change 
  • Explore different strategies that will help you use change to your advantage 
  • Create a plan for responding to change 
  • Learn how optimism can help you productively manage change  
Marketing Yourself Successfully 

How can you stand out in today's job market? Learn the basics of professional branding. This workshop covers: 

  • Understand why marketing and branding are important to job searching 
  • Create a professional identity statement 
  • Understand and create a unique selling point 
  • Understand what an elevator speech is, what should be included in it, and when it should be used 


Job-Search Resources 

Learn how to utilize online resources to research occupations and explore your career-path. This workshop gives an overview of various resources including: 

  • My Colorado Journey 
  • Labor Market Information  
  • Careers in Colorado 
  • Connecting Colorado  
  • O-NET 
Professional Relationships 

Have you ever struggled with relating to others, responding positively to feedback, or dealing with difficult people? Learn skills and strategies to build strong relationships at work! This workshop covers: 

  • Understand basic relationship needs 
  • Discover levels of relationship 
  • Describe types of workplace relationships 
  • Examine steps for building strong relationships 
  • Learn how to respond positively to feedback 
  • Learn strategies for dealing with difficult relationships 
Resume Workshops  

Learn how to elevate your resume so it gets you interviews in this four-workshop series.  Each workshop stands alone, but take all four to fully develop your expertise in this subject!

  • Resume Overview and Targeting provides an overview of resume strategies including the importance of targeting your approach and how to make it easier to do so. 
  • Resume Intensive: Job Description Analysis takes a deep dive into this often overlooked, first step of creating a great resume.
  • Resume Intensive: Accomplishment Statements focuses on how to communicate your skills and experience in a way that is exciting to the prospective employer.
  • Resume Intensive: Layout and Formatting learn how to lay your information out on the page in a way that is eye-catching and effective.
Self-Care for Balance  

Do you feel life pulling you in many different directions? Reclaim your life by creating space for the things you enjoy. This workshop covers: 

  • Understand what self-care is, and what it is not 
  • Learn the benefits of self-care 
  • Know the Four Life Quadrants 
  • Identify signs of imbalance 
  • Create balance at home and at work 
  • Explore modes of self-care 
Take Control of Your Life  

Do you sometimes feel like the world is spinning out of control? Discover strategies that can give you a greater sense of control in your life. This workshop covers: 

  • Understand and be able to identify what is and what isn't within your control.  
  • Understand the relationship between thoughts, feelings, behaviors and experience 
  • Practice strategies to manage your thinking 
  • Identify at least one way you can take greater control in your life