Electric Vehicle Readiness Plan
In December 2023, Adams County published an Electric Vehicle (EV) Readiness Plan. The Plan has three focus areas:
- Public Charging
- Community Engagement
- Adams County Fleet
The EV Readiness Plan seeks to address and advance the following strategies in the Sustainable Adams County 2030 Plan.
Goal 12: Decrease County fleet emissions through vehicle and operational efficiency and fuel switching.
- Supporting Target: 50% of the County’s new, eligible vehicles converted to electric
- Supporting Strategy: 12.2 Develop and implement EV procurement plan
Goal 13: Support EV mobility and infrastructure across all of Adams County.
- Supporting Target: 5% of all registered vehicles in Adams County are electric
- Supporting Strategies:
- Strategy 13.1 Prioritize locations for electric vehicle charging stations
- Strategy 13.2 Leverage grant funding to implement prioritized investments in EV charging
- Strategy 13.3 Develop and implement a countywide EV-readiness plan
- Strategy 13.5 Implement electric vehicle education events for the community
- Strategy 13.6 Partner with member communities to fund key fast-charging infrastructure
Adams County has joined Drive Clean Colorado’s Charging Smart program which will help the County meet the goals of its EV Readiness Plan. This program provides technical assistance to the County so it can help the community overcome barriers to EV ownership and charger installation.