Energy Efficiency: County Goals
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Energy Efficiency: County Goals
Projects in Adams County Buildings
Efficiency 101
Why is Energy Efficiency Important?
Energy Efficiency: Financial Resources
Energy Efficiency: County Goals
Adams County’s Sustainability Plan outlines one goal related to energy efficiency in county facilities:
- Incorporate energy efficiency and new energy technologies and building practices in new facilities and retrofit eligible existing facilities.
The Plan also establishes targets to be achieved by 2030 to measure the progress of these goals:
- Reduce electricity use intensity (EUI) 15% from baseline
- Reduce natural gas use intensity 15% from baseline
The county is taking several steps to meet these targets:
- Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC): an energy service company (ESCO) will implement energy-saving measures such as upgrading lighting, HVAC systems, insulation, or installing energy-efficient technologies and guarantees energy savings over a specified period of time.
- Lighting Upgrades: Independent of the ESPC, the county has upgraded lighting to LED bulbs in several buildings.
Colorado State Regulation 28
Effective October 15, 2023, Colorado’s Air Quality Commission approved Regulation 28, titled “Building Benchmarking and Performance Standards,” which requires covered building owners to meet certain energy use targets or implement greenhouse gas emissions reductions to increase efficiency, as part of Colorado’s broader plan to reduce emissions by 50% prior to 2030.
It applies to commercial, multifamily, and public buildings 50,000 square feet or larger.
The county has six buildings that fall under this regulation.