Resources and Events

Adams County is committed to providing residents and business owners in the county with ample access to information and resources on waste diversion and recycling, alternative transportation options, and the Supply Donation Program. If you have any questions or would like to become involved in the sustainability efforts in Adams County, please contact

Thank you for your efforts to make Adams County more sustainable!

Community Gardens in Adams CountyAdams County Community Garden Map

We partnered with local jurisdictions to identify and map out the existing opportunities to become involved in one of over 60 community gardens in Adams County. Find the most convenient location for you using the Adams County Community Garden Map

Rain Barrel Workshops

Adams County and CSU Extension in Adams were the first in Colorado to begin a rain barrel workshop program after the use of these types of water conservation and harvesting tools was made legal in the summer of 2016. 

Rain barrel workshops are an opportunity for residents to learn the facts, become familiar with the environmental benefits of rain harvesting, and leave armed with the tools to become a successful water conservation hero. The $50 registration fee for the workshops covers the educational workshop and a free rain barrel kit to take home. A limited number of registrations are available; one barrel per household. You must complete the workshop to receive a barrel. Watch for future dates for rain barrel workshops to be posted here.

Food Waste Prevention

The United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service published a booklet that will help you and your friends decrease the amount of food that goes to waste in your community.  The booklet can be found through the link provided, and will discuss ways to reduce, recover, and recycle food before it goes to waste.

Best for Colorado

Best for Colorado logoBest for Colorado is a program that teaches all Colorado businesses how to create higher quality jobs, build stronger communities, and preserve a healthier environment.

Colorado has a historic opportunity to harness the power of business to address our state's greatest challenges. Some businesses in Colorado already play a powerful role on issues ranging from youth incarceration to payday lending to food desserts. And Best for Colorado's objective is to make it easy for all businesses to learn about these practices and improve their impact.

This program is made possible by a coalition of partners, including Adams County, who are committed to supporting your business in this journey. Learn more at the Best for Colorado website.