
Sustainable Adams County

Building a More Sustainable Adams County

Sustainability Hands

In 2015, the Adams County Board of County Commissioners formally adopted the Sustainable Adams County 2030 Plan, affirming the county’s commitment to sustainability and innovation. The plan details a “triple bottom line” approach to sustainability, where the environmental, fiscal, and social impacts of county activities are taken into consideration with every decision.

Since its adoption in 2015, the county has exemplified leadership and innovation in line with this vision. The county has had many sustainability successes across a range of departments and sustainability topics. To read about some of these successes, read the Sustainability Assessment Executive Summary. Now, the county is updating the 2030 Sustainability Plan to maintain relevancy in the face of rapidly changing technology and community priorities and to ensure long-term sustainability and success of Adams County.

For the plan update, the county has identified the following priority topics:

  • Energy
  • Waste
  • Water
  • Transportation
  • Healthy & Resilient Neighborhoods
  • Air Quality
  • Infrastructure
  • Land

Implementation and Resources

Facilities & Fleet Management Department

Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Recycling in Adams County

Adams County is proud to offer these events with our jurisdiction and organizational partners. Proper disposal of electronics, paint, and chemicals is vital to ensuring that our waterways, streams, and reservoirs stay clean and well maintained. Thank you for participating in these efforts to make Adams County cleaner and greener. If you have questions about recycling or want to learn more, email Katie Keefe at [email protected].

Hazardous Waste Recycling

Certain household products and chemicals, such as electronics, paint, garden chemicals, and cleaners and caustics, contain harmful toxins and should not be disposed of in the normal trash in order to protect human and environmental health. If you need to dispose of these items, please take them to the Veolia Household Hazardous Waste Recycling Center in Henderson, year-round by appointment. Some fees do apply.

Get more information on Adams County's recycling and sustainability programs and events in our Community & Economic Development section.