Electric Vehicle Charger Financial Resources

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Electric Vehicle Charger Financial Resources
Electric Vehicle Chargers at Adams County

Residential Incentives

Federal Incentives

If you purchase electric vehicle charging equipment for your principal residence, you may be eligible for a tax credit for the charging station. This credit is 30% of the cost of 1) the electric vehicle charging port, 2) components and parts that are essential to the operation of the charging port, and 3) labor for constructing and installing the charger, up to $1,000. A credit in the same amount is also available for energy storage associated with the home charger.

Eligibility is based on the installation location being in an eligible census tract. To help you determine if your installation location is in an eligible census tract, visit the 30C Tax Credit Eligibility Locator page and mapping tool from Argonne National Laboratory.

Refer to Individuals and the Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Credit(PDF) for more details.


Electric Vehicle Rebates

In Adams County, three of the local utilities offer their own electric vehicle charger incentives.

  • Xcel Energy
  • United Power
    • Residential customers are offered the purchase and installation of a Level 2 charger at home for $19 per month, which also covers maintenance or repairs if needed. If you have your own charger, United Power offers a $1,000 rebate towards its installation.
  • Morgan County REA
    • Up to 50% of installed cost maximum of $250 (rebate maximum split up to $125 for charger and up to $125 for electric service) for non-managed chargers
    • Up to 50% of installed cost maximum of $1,000 (rebate maximum split up to $500 for charger and up to $500 for electric service) for managed chargers
    • 50% of total equipment and installation costs up to $1000 for Level 2
    • 50% of total equipment and installation costs up to $3000 for DCFC rated between 50–75 kW
    • 50% of total equipment and installation costs up to $5000 for DCFC rated between 76–149 kW
    • 50% of total equipment and installation costs up to $7500 for DCFC rated 150 kW & above

Business and Tax-Except Organization Incentives

Federal Incentives

If you purchase EV charging equipment for a business, fleet, or tax-exempt entity you may be eligible for a tax credit. Starting on Jan. 1, 2023, the value of this credit is 6% of the cost of property subject to depreciation, with a maximum credit of $100,000 for each single item of property.

A single item of property is each charging port, as well as each energy storage property for electricity (this tax credit also applies to fueling dispensers and energy storage for hydrogen, natural gas, propane, E85, or biodiesel blends of at least 20%). The costs of components and parts that are essential to the operation of the charging port or fuel dispenser, including labor costs for constructing and installing the property, are also eligible for the credit. The entity claiming the credit must be the owner of the item(s).

Projects that meet prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements may be eligible to receive a tax credit equal to 30% of the cost of property subject to depreciation.

Eligibility is also based on the location of installation being in an eligible census tract. To help you determine if your installation location is in an eligible census tract, visit the 30C Tax Credit Eligibility Locator page and mapping tool from Argonne National Laboratory.

Refer to Businesses and the Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Credit(PDF) for more details.

State of Colorado Incentives

Colorado has two grant programs available:

Charge Ahead Colorado Grant: This grant provides funding for community-based Level 2 and direct current fast charging (DCFC) electric vehicle charging stations. Businesses, government, and non-profits are eligible. Learn more about the program.

Fleet-Zero Electric Vehicle Charging Grant: This grant supports the charging needs of fleet owners and operators seeking to electrify their vehicles, as well as third-party providers intending to offer public charging and electric vehicle charging-as-a-service to fleets. Learn more about this program.

Utility Incentives

  • Xcel Energy
    • Xcel Energy offers electric vehicle supply infrastructure (EVSI) rebates that cover the costs of equipment and labor associated with charger installation. The utility also offers rebates that will cover a portion of the costs of the charging equipment.
    • Installations taking place in a disproportionately impacted community (DIC) may be eligible for enhanced rebate offerings.
    • Rebates are also available to cover the costs of EVSI for new construction parking spaces that exceed local building codes.  
    • Learn more about rebates here.
  • United Power