Veterans and Military Priority Service
Veterans and military priority services
Federal Law requires veterans and other covered eligibles to be served ahead of, or instead of, all other job seekers in all U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) funded employment and training programs, notwithstanding any other provision in law.
Other eligibles include some spouses who are married to veterans who are 100% service-connected disabled, spouses of veterans who died from their disability, spouses of service members held prisoner or detained by a foreign or hostile power.
Certain U.S. DOL funded programs have other requirements in law. For example, U.S. DOL funded youth programs have age criteria, some programs have income guidelines, others require applicants be laid off through no fault of their own, while others provide services to workers displaced by foreign trade. Veterans must meet the same program eligibility criteria as all other job seekers.
When veterans and non-veterans request U.S. DOL funded employment services or training funds through their local workforce center, the veteran’s request for service, or application for training funds, is processed first. The value is, that eligible and appropriate veterans are served first, and funded first, in all DOL programs.
Federal Law requires every workforce center to first notify qualified veterans of any job posted in its system before notifying non-veterans.
When an employer completes an applicant search using Connecting Colorado, qualified veterans are placed at the top of any applicant list.