Thornton Harvest Fest
Saturday, Sept. 10, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Community Park
York St. and Thornton Parkway, Thornton
More information
Board of Commissioners Letter to Broomfield City Council Regarding Oil and Gas Development
October 17, 2017
Dear Members of City Council:
We provide this letter to officially state our position on the current plan proposed by Extraction Oil & Gas within your city. To be clear, Adams County strongly urges the City and County of Broomfield to work with Extraction to relocate the Interchange and Northwest well pads to locations north of the Northwest Parkway. There is abundant land north of the Northwest Parkway that is undeveloped and more suitable for oil and gas development than the current locations, which are directly abutting an established neighborhood that has been here since the 1960s and 1970s. In addition, the Northwest A and B well pads are located on open space that was specifically acquired to buffer this neighborhood from highway traffic when the Northwest Parkway was constructed. Placing oil and gas well pads on this open space is inappropriate, particularly given the fact that more suitable locations exist.
Adams County has made clear this position repeatedly within the last 30 days to the City and County of Broomfield staff, as well as to the City Council in a number of recent Council meetings. These interactions are summarized below, and the County's correspondence on this matter is attached.