
Lenore “Angel” Williams Named Adams County Employee of All Seasons
The Adams County Board of Commissioners announced Lenore “Angel” Williams as Adams County’s Employee of All Seasons at the annual Recognition Luncheon on Wednesday, Sept. 29.

Advancing Adams – Phase 2 Public Meeting & Survey
On Thursday, Oct. 7, Adams County will host a virtual public meeting for the second phase of the Advancing Adams master planning effort. The Advancing Adams planning process, which kicked off in August 2020 and concludes in spring 2022, will result in a trio of long-range master planning documents – a Comprehensive Plan, a Transportation & Mobility Master Plan (TMP), and a Parks, Open Space & Trails Plan (POST).

Work Options Cafe and Culinary Program Opens at Human Services Center
The Adams County Human Services Department is partnering with local nonprofit Work Options to provide a café and free culinary training program for Adams County residents and employees.
Program participants will train with professional chefs, earn certifications, earn up to $400 per month, and complete training in six weeks. There are also food truck internships available as part of the program.
Commerce City Motor Vehicle Office is Moving
On Friday, Sept. 10, the Adams County Motor Vehicle Office in Commerce City, 4201 E. 72nd Ave., Suite A, will be closed to move to its new location: 7190 Colorado Blvd. The new office is in the South Platte Center and is directly across the street from the current location.
The new office will feature a lobby for the general public, located in Suite #100, that will open on Tuesday, Sept. 14. It will also include a new Commercial and Dealer Hub, located in Suite #150, that will open on Tuesday, Sept. 21.

Adams County Celebrates Groundbreaking of Veterans Memorial at Riverdale Regional Park
As the 20th anniversary of 9/11 approaches, Adams County broke ground to begin construction on a new Veterans Memorial on the shore of Mann-Nyholt Lake at Riverdale Regional Park on Wednesday, Sept 8.
When finished, the memorial will be a life-sized model of the USS Colorado battleship, with the bow jutting into the lake and the current trail passing through the site. To view high-resolution renderings of the planned memorial, visit adcogov.org/veterans-memorial.