
Suncor to Conduct Fire Extinguisher Training

Suncor to Conduct Maintenance at Commerce City Refinery

On Wednesday, April 29, Suncor will begin conducting maintenance in Plant 1 of the Commerce City Refinery. This work may result in some increased flaring and the potential for black smoke. Regulatory agencies have been notified and it is anticipated the work will be completed by Thursday evening, April 30. Suncor's focus is on completing the maintenance safely while minimizing any impacts on our neighboring communities and the environment. If you have questions or concerns please contact

Farmers in Historic Splendid Valley move forward with the 2020 growing season despite challenges and uncertainties

In the midst of these unprecedented times, some things are still happening as they always do. This is true for Historic Splendid Valley farmers who are moving ahead to grow produce and flowers, and raise goats, chickens, and much more. Right now, these farmers are tending seedlings in greenhouses, planting cool season crops, pruning lavender, protecting young plants from the elements, tending to winter wheat, and caring for goat kids and chicks. Despite everything happening in the world, farmers are still growing our food and other agricultural products that we depend on.

County Buildings Closed Through April 30

Adams County offices are closed through April 30. Human Services, Animal Shelter, and Colorado Air and Space Port will provide essential services. Sheriff, District Attorney, Coroner, and Justice Center will remain open until further notice. 

Adams County Introduces COVID-19 Response and Recovery Website

As part of a COVID-19 emergency management response and recovery strategy, Adams County launched a new website dedicated to providing key resources to support residents and businesses: This strategy includes newly created Response and Recovery teams addressing business support, childcare for critical personnel, food security and basic essentials, housing stability, senior services, support for the unemployed and future workforce, and uninsured and healthcare access.