
More Than $1 Million in Scholarships Awarded to County Students
Fifty-nine Adams County high school students were awarded scholarships totaling more than $1 million on Wednesday, May 22, through the Adams County Scholarship Fund. Adams County Commissioners introduced the Scholarship Fund in 2016 in partnership with the Colorado Department of Higher Education's Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Initiative.

Willow Bay Acquisition Receives Starburst Award from The Colorado Lottery
The Willow Bay acquisition in Adams County was one of the recipients awarded a 2018 Starburst Award by the Colorado Lottery. The awards highlight creative work in Colorado that has a high economic and social impact from rural to urban and from plants to peaks. Learn more about the project here: https://www.denverpost.com/2017/09/06/willow-bay-adams-county-developme…;

Adams County Commissioners Award $5 Million in Open Space Grants
Today, the Adams County Board of Commissioners (BOCC) awarded $5 million in open space grants for 17 projects thanks to the voter-approved Open Space Sales Tax. Funding for this grant cycle came from revenues from the second half of the 2017 Adams County Open Space Sales Tax, which was passed by Adams County voters in 1999.

Gov. Hickenlooper Lowers Flags to Honor Victims of Santa Fe shooting
Friday, May 18, 2018 — Gov. John Hickenlooper today ordered flags lowered to half-staff on all public buildings statewide until sunset on Tuesday, May 22, 2018, to honor the victims of the tragedy in Santa Fe, Texas, and as proclaimed by President Trump.

Adams County Animal Shelter/Adoption Center Launches New Website
Finding your new furry family member has never been easier than with the help of the new Adams County Animal Shelter/Adoption Center (ACASAC) website. The new website provides improved functionality, accessibility, and easy-to-use tools for searching adoptable or lost pets as well as the variety of services offered by ACASAC.

Suncor to Conduct Live Fire Training at Commerce City Refinery
NOTICE: Suncor ERT will conduct live fire training on Thursday, May 17, from approximately 8 a.m. throughout the day. The live fire training will be conducted at the Plant 1 Fire Training grounds. During the training, there will likely be large flames and thick smoke produced. In the event of an actual emergency, all ERT training will cease and proper alarms will be sounded. For more information, contact Jeffrey Osetek, Suncor Security and Emergency Response Coordinator, at josetek@suncor.com.

Free Concert at the Adams County Fair in Honor of Deputy Heath Gumm
Midland, a recent Academy of Country Music (ACM) award winner, will be heading to the Adams County Fair, United Power Grandstand, 9755 Henderson Rd., Brighton, on Wednesday, Aug. 1, 8 p.m., for a free concert featuring songs from their latest album, “On the Rocks.” Download your free ticket at adamscountyfair.com – four tickets per individual may be downloaded at one time.

Gov. Hickenlooper Orders Flags Lowered to Observe Peace Officers Memorial Day
Monday, May 14, 2018 — Gov. John Hickenlooper today ordered flags lowered to half-staff on all public buildings statewide on Tuesday, May 15, in recognition of Peace Officers Memorial Day during Police Week, and as proclaimed by President Trump. Flags should be lowered from sunrise to sunset.

Gov. Hickenlooper Orders Flags Lowered to Honor Late Aurora Mayor Steve Hogan
Sunday, May 13, 2018 — Gov. John Hickenlooper today ordered flags lowered to half-staff on all public buildings, from sunrise to sunset on Monday, May 14, 2018, to honor the late Aurora Mayor Steve Hogan.
“Today Colorado lost a true friend in Mayor Steve Hogan,” said Governor John Hickenlooper. “This was a man who went above and beyond to do right by the city he loved. He led the way to make Aurora the bustling, dynamic city it is today, and Colorado is better for it. He was that rare public servant who put people before party - my God, how we will miss him.”

Protect Your Family from Rabies
It’s spring and that means wildlife will be coming out of hibernation. Rabies reservoir species in Colorado include bats, skunks, raccoons, foxes, and coyotes. In 2018 and as of May 8, 2018, there have been 152 animals that tested positive for rabies. This number is higher than what has ever been reported at this time of the year in Colorado. Tri-County Health Department (TCHD) has had only two of these rabid animals, one skunk in Arapahoe County and one alpaca in Douglas County. This is the first known rabid alpaca in Colorado.