Suncor to Conduct Planned Maintenance at Commerce City Refinery

Starting next week, Suncor will begin a higher level of planned maintenance at their Commerce City refinery. This increased level of work occurs routinely every two to three years and is part of maintaining asset integrity. It is scheduled to last through mid-April 2018.
Suncor will focus on completing the maintenance work in a safe manner while minimizing any impacts on neighbors, customers, and the environment. Although increased traffic, noise and flaring are all safe and common effects of refinery maintenance, precautions have been taken to ensure these disruptions are kept to a minimum.
Suncor plans to invest approximately $46 million in this work, which will spur additional economic activity in the area through the presence of increased workforce and the materials and equipment purchased to support the work. These items are sourced locally where possible.
Upwards of 350 additional people will be on site per shift at peak times during this event, which includes both standard maintenance and capital upgrades to improve the operability and reliability of assets. With the additional workforce on site during this time, traffic in and out of the Refinery Business Center is anticipated to be heavier than normal during shift changes (between 5-7 a.m. and 5-7 p.m.). Suncor has hired the Commerce City Police Department to assist with traffic flow at the York Street and Brighton Boulevard access points during these peak traffic times.
Please note there is also heavy activity in the area related to the expansion of the RTD North Metro Rail – N Line, including road closures and Skyway Bridge construction. With all the activity currently taking place, please stay safe by using extra caution when traveling through the area.