Adams County and Tri-County Health Department Move to Safer at Home Order Starting May 9
As part of its COVID-19 emergency response and recovery strategy, Adams County, in partnership with Tri-County Health Department, is moving to a safer at home order starting on Saturday, May 9, with more specific details available later this week.
Adams County is launching a series of programs to assist small businesses with the reopening and recovery process.
“Based on the data and information provided by Tri-County Health Department, we believe we are in a position to loosen the stay at home order to a safer at home one,” said Board of County Commissioners Chair Emma Pinter. “This is a big step in the recovery process, and we want to give financial help to small businesses, so they are equipped to begin serving their customers again.”
The amounts awarded through these mini grants will be announced later this week and fall into these categories:
- Operations: Items including signage, sneeze guards, personal protective equipment, and construction to enable social distancing measures.
- Technology: Improvements such as website enhancements, contactless payment implementation, and hardware and software upgrades.
- COVID-19 Relief Loans to provide bridge capital to navigate the crisis to complement offerings from the federal Small Business Administration.
- Small Business Stabilization Program, which will provide funding for business owners to retain their workforce during the pandemic.
- AdCo To Go support and additional funding so restaurants can continue to serve our communities with quality delivery and takeout options during the statewide closures.
For more information, visit Adams County’s response and recovery website at adamscountycovid19.org.