Adams County Health Department Stepping Up Efforts to Keep People Safe from West Nile Virus

As Adams County reports its first human case of West Nile Virus during the 2024 season, the Adams County Health Department (ACHD) wants to keep you and your family safe.

August and September are traditionally the two months with the highest number of people catching West Nile Virus from bites of infected mosquitoes. In 2023, Colorado had 634 reported human cases, including 45 in Adams County. Colorado had 51 deaths in 2023.

To assist Adams County residents, ACHD will distribute free cans of insect repellent containing picaridin at its Westminster Clinic, 1401 W. 122nd Ave. #200, Westminster, and North Broadway Clinic, 7000 Broadway Suite 400, Denver, starting on Wednesday, Aug. 28. Items will also be given out at other community outreach events throughout the end of summer and early fall seasons. You can watch for posts about those events on the ACHD Facebook, X, and Instagram pages. Always follow label instructions for any insect repellent.

In addition to picking up a free can of insect repellent, ACHD reminds you to take these steps to reduce the risk of West Nile Virus:

  • Limit outdoor activities at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active.
  • Wear long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and socks, especially outdoors around dusk and dawn.
  • Clothing can be sprayed with a permethrin insect repellent.
  • Install or repair screens on windows and doors.
  • Empty standing water around your home at least once a week, such as bird baths, portable pools, tires, planters, and pet water dishes.
  • Treat standing water that cannot be drained—ponds, ditches, clogged rain gutters, and puddles—with larvicide "doughnuts," which can be purchased at hardware stores.

ACHD also wants to remind you that West Nile Virus is widespread in Colorado. The virus was first detected in mosquitoes in Adams County in July 2024. Seek medical attention if you notice symptoms, including fever, headache, body aches, tiredness, rash, confusion, nausea, and vomiting.

More information about West Nile Virus can be found on the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s West Nile Virus webpage.